Lendrickmuir Day 1

We arrived at Lendrickmuir just after 10.30am. We were met by the instructors, who talked us through what we would be doing and we had to write down our three goals for this week (some of us have already achieved our goals by making our beds). We did a treasure hunt around Lendrickmuir to get our bearings. It was fun and we got to learn new things.

Before lunch we got time to go up to our rooms and we made our beds. Then we had a delicious tomato soup with a filled roll.

After lunch we were taken out for our first activity in our groups. Some of the activities we did were: Bushcraft, Kingswing, Nightline, Jacob’s Ladder and a walk to the gorge. A group also went cycling.

For dinner tonight we had delicious chicken pie or fish with peas and wedges. For pudding we had meringue, with peaches and cream.

When we finish our blog tonight we are going to play on the inflatables, after having our board games time. After supper we will be getting our pyjamas and then we will be watching our movie. We don’t know what it is yet. It will be a surprise.

We will be in touch tomorrow to tell you all about our day.

13 thoughts on “Lendrickmuir Day 1

  1. Hey Liam,
    So Day 2 is here for you guys n girls! 😁
    Sure another action packed one ahead full of fun adventures and making memories.
    Dad and I can’t wait to hear all about it in tonight’s blog.
    Hope you all have a fantastic day 👍🏻
    Love u lots wee pal 🥰 enjoy every moment, mum n dad xxxx

  2. Wow! You really hit the ground running!
    Hope you’re all having as much fun as it sounds. Sleep well and we look forward to reading your next instalment tomorrow. Love you Amy from Mum, Dad and Gemma xxx 😘

  3. Sounds like an amazing first day. So glad to hear you are all having so much fun. Proud of you all on the bed making but will be even more proud if one of you have made mine for me for Wednesday! Haha! See you all soon…. leave me some food please 😜xx

  4. Sounds like your all having a great time 🙂 We are missing you lots at home Isaac. I hope everyone has a fantastic day tomorrow & you all sleep well tonight. Love Mum, Jess & Faith xxx

  5. Amazing 1st day. Lots been happening and making amazing memories with your friends. House is so quiet without you Anthony and Kieran xxx

  6. Sounds like a very busy first day hope you all get a good rest for tomorrow’s adventures 😊

  7. Enjoy P7!! Hope you all had fun making your beds!🤣 missing you at home already .. but enjoying fast WiFi without all the phones/computers/iPads going! Have lots of fun tomorrow. Xxx

  8. Glad you are all having a great time and sounds like Lawson will be loving the menu as much as the activities!

  9. Sounds like a fun day with lots of activities already. Be sleepy heads tonight.
    Hey Liam hope u and all your class had a great first day and enjoy your movie too. Bet you’ll be sleeping as soon as your head hits the pillow. Did you pass the bed making task?? 😁
    Love you soon, mum and dad xxxxx

  10. Sounds like an action packed first day – hope you all get a good sleep ready for round 2 tomorrow!

  11. Sounds like you’re all having a great time! We are excited for the next blog 😃 Mum and Fraser

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