Primary 6p Blog – 17th – 28th February 2020

In literacy we have . . . .

been learning how to write Tankas. A tanka poem is very similar to a Haiku but Tanka poems have more syllables and are usually written about nature, seasons, love, sadness and other strong emotions.  This form of poetry dates back almost 1200 years ago.

Here are some examples of the Tankas we created in class;

In numeracy  we have . . . .

been learning how to work with fractions.  We have been looking at equivalent fractions and converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions.  Here are some of the examples we have been working on in our jotters.

In maths we have . . . . .

been continuing  to work with time.  Some children have been working with complex time tables; calculating duration’s of journeys or  t.v programmes.  Other children have been converting between 12/24 hour and AM/PM times.


In addition this week have . . . .

been skiing to Hillend

working on our Asian country presentations

creating press printed rangoli patterns