P5h blog, 31.1.20

Hello everyone,


Here is what P5h would like to share about what we have been learning recently:

I have really enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. We went to Armadale today to be part of a parade with other schools.

It was really fun preparing the dragon head and body for the Chinese New Year parade. I was so excited to walk in it.


I’ve really liked literacy recently. We have been learning to paraphrase which was great fun.

I love going to the library. We get to pick our own book and read it in class.

I love writing! We have been writing reports and looking at different features of a report.

I really enjoyed the free writing we did last week. It was great to have the freedom to write about anything you want.

I enjoyed free writing too. I wrote a story about mind control and imaginary friends.


Learning about the bushfires in Australia has been really interesting. I used my own device to research information about them.

I’ve really enjoyed learning about the Australian bushfires. I’m looking forward to raising money to help when we have our pyjama day next month. We made posters to help publicise our event.

In art we have been creating pictures based on the Australian bushfires. I used oil pastels, coloured pencils and coloured pens to show a firefighter rescuing a koala.


We went on two trips this week. I really enjoyed when we went swimming. I got to do all the strokes I know.

PE was great. We were able to take part in three different sports in one lesson!