P5h Learn it, log it, blog it, 6.12.19

Hello everyone!

Here is what our class would like to share this week:

In Numeracy, we have been learning about different ways to pay for goods. I brought in my bank card to show the class – Daniel

I’ve enjoyed adding and subtracting different amounts of money. I’m now really confident when laying my sums and knowing where to put the decimal point – Ailis

I’ve enjoyed making a Numeracy advent calendar. We drew a Christmas picture on a piece of paper, and cut the doors out. We then put a Numeracy sum behind each door for a friend to solve – Darcie

We have been learning about different tenses in Literacy. I’ve been testing my dad and I beat him on every single question! – Omar

Literacy is my favourite subject. I’ve really enjoyed the texts we’ve been reading for information – Andrew

I love writing! It was great writing about the Christmas Chronicles. I’m also really looking forward to our P5 Christmas party next week – Evi

I was thrilled to be Student of the Week at PE this week. I earned this by being active and showing good manners – Angus

I got a certificate at the wider achievements assembly for passing level 3 at swimming and 4th Mon in Judo! – Aiden