P3M Blog It! 25.6.19

Hello everyone,

time for the final blog of primary 3! Can you believe it?! Here are a few thoughts on the year that has past.

Alana has enjoyed doing Art in Primary 3 and particularly enjoyed creating silhouettes.

Oakley – Jay has enjoyed showing good sportsmanship through Health and Fitness fortnight.

William would like to tell you about sports day.  We ran races and the girls and the boys from p3m competed against each other.

Jake enjoyed doing the MAC that came to school.  He liked the climbing wall bit. Jake also enjoyed skills academy where he was learning skills for life!

Jessica D has enjoyed our Jigsaw lessons this year and is looking forward to meeting Jigsaw Jeano next year!

Ana has enjoyed all the things we have been doing in PE this year including gymnastics, football and fitness.

Lewis has enjoyed learning how to use a calculator.

Cara recently took part in an end of term French quiz.

Evan has enjoyed everything about P3 and feels it is the most fun he has had in school…until next year!

Aiden enjoyed Ready, Steady, Cook and Numberacy this year (this is when Miss M accidentally mixed up numeracy and number).

Callum S thinks that Jigsaw has been a fantastic idea and is really, really enjoying it.

Erika enjoyed the skip to be fit time and was trying to skip really fast.

Lucy has been enjoying art this year and enjoyed making a lion portrait out of colourful chalk.

Maxim enjoyed Ready, Steady, Cook and enjoyed seeing what people made.

Gracie has been really been enjoying maths and numeracy this year and has been working hard on multiplication and division.

Allegra has enjoyed sketching in Art this year and particularly enjoyed when we had to sketch along to music and discussed how our drawings changed based on the music.

Eden enjoyed the dance teacher who came to teach us a routine during health and fitness fortnight.

Ruaridh enjoyed literacy this year and enjoyed comprehension and making his own Africa Fact File.

Louise enjoyed Ready, Steady, Cook and enjoyed watching what people were cooking.

Carmen enjoyed reflecting on her year in P3 when she made a little booklet which discussed her school, her teacher and her friends.

Baili enjoyed the skip to be fit activity and is very proud he won a medal.

Callum R has enjoyed improving his handwriting this year.

Ethan enjoyed Ready, Steady, Cook this afternoon and he voted for the Green Beans.  The Orange Peppers won this year!

Thank you for your continued support throughout Primary 3 and I look forward to seeing everyone again after the summer!

Kind regards,

Miss MacKenzie