P4 Easter Gardens

In Primary 4 we have been learning about the Christian festival of Easter. We revised the Easter story and found out about Easter customs and their meaning.We were set a group challenge to design, plan and make an Easter Garden. It was great fun collecting the resources and working with our classmates. Skills we developed included creativity, problem-solving and team-work. Take a look at some of our Easter Gardens!

P6 book is complete!

It’s been a busy few weeks in P6 and we are pleased to tell you all that we have now completed our book! The illustrations and story are now complete and on their way to the publisher! We are very excited to see it! The workshops with Mary T Thomson were great; we learnt so much about the process of writing a book. We also learned a lot about ourselves with the the various personality workshops that we took part in when coming up with characters for the book!
We enjoyed our French day, we tasted different French foods, looked at various phrases that we could use and even become impressionists for the day and took inspiration from French artist Monet…photos to follow when our masterpiece is complete! We also made some beautiful European landmark collages as part of our Europe topic, too! We have been working hard in maths, covering lots of concepts, keeping on top of our number work and times tables!
We look forward to our last term in P6, when we will find out news about buddies and take on some big responsibilities! Happy Easter!

French with Mr McEvoy

IMG_0367Today the boys and girls in primary 2 and primary 2/1 enjoyed a special Easter treat when Mr McEvoy returned to share some French with the boys and girls.  Mr McEvoy helped the boys and girls learn their numbers, colours and body parts in French.  He was very impressed with how much they had remembered from his last visit.  The boys and girls played the odd and even game and peek-a-boo with a pirate mask.  Mr McEvoy has taught them some key phrases like ‘I live in’, ‘J’habite a…’, he has even taught them a very catchy number song, why not ask one of the boys or girls to sing it for you.


Topic Maths in Primary 1


Primary 1 have been very busy learning all about symmetry and money. We have played games to find the other half of a symmetrical picture and created pictures showing symmetry. Primary 1 have also been learning about all the coins we use to buy things and are beginning to use our counting and adding skills to calculate the amount of money we have. We really enjoy working with money and look forward to using this skill in our everyday lives!


P5’s Superheroes


Primary 5 have reached the end of their Superheroes topic and I’m sure you’ll agree they make amazing Superheroes. The have had to go through rigorous training to become the Superhero you see today and along the way they have helped Not-so-super-Stan become more like a Superhero too. The children have thoroughly enjoyed working with Miss Calder on their topic while learning how to stay fit and healthy. Keep up the good work and happy rescuing!!

French Day in P5

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Bonjour! Primary 5 had a fantastic French Day on Tuesday 31st March 2015. We had so many activities we had to finish them on Thursday! On Tuesday morning we chopped all the vegetables for Ratatouille and left them to cook in the slow cookers for us to taste at the end of the day. The reveiews were very mixed! We also created collages of  French landmarks using coloured paper and lego. Can you guess what they are? French games were also played. Au revoir!

Daffodil Tea

Primary 2 and primary 2/1 would like to thank all our visitors who attended our Daffodil Tea.  Thanks to all of your kind generosity we have raised over £300 for MacMillan Cancer Trust.

We had a great afternoon and are so happy to finally have our daffodils at home to watch them bloom over the Easter holidays.

Thanks again to all of our visitors and our kind helpers who made this a wonderful afternoon.

Our Crispy Cakes
Our Crispy Cakes


P4 Smoothies

The children have really enjoyed our work on healthy eating this week. Yesterday, we made our very own smoothies. We had created recipes for them earlier in the week, given them names and decided what ingredients we were going to use. Anyone for a ‘Fruity Fantastical Fruity’?1a00_7402 1a00_7403 1SAM_2074 1SAM_2081

P4 Kurling

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Primary 4 have been enjoying learning Kurling this term. This is a version of Curling played without ice. Each stone rolls on ball bearings. It has given the children the opportunity to learn new skills and develop good tactical awareness. Great fun was had by all.

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