All posts by Mrs Banks

Fairtrade Fortnight

Last week as part of our literacy focus grouptime the nursery children looked at recipes and what they consisted of.  With this in mind we created our own recipes as part of our Fairtrade Fortnight activities.  This week and next,  we are going to be very busy baking some Fairtrade goodies using a selection of recipes we have chosen.  Look out for some tasy treats coming home over the next week or so! The children are also hoping to make a collage using labels with the Fairtrade logo on them so please send in any packaging or wrappers that could be used.

Nursery News This Week So Far…

This week we started our ‘People Who Help Us’ project and so far the children have been really keen to learn about all the different jobs people do to help us in the community.  On Monday we had Olivia’s mum come in and talk to us about her job as a nurse at the Edinburgh Sick Kids Hospital.  The children enjoyed being volunteer patients and nurses and asked some good questions. We would love to hear from any other parents who would be willing to come and talk to the children about their jobs.

The children decided that they would like their role play area to become a hairdressers so the staff have enjoyed many a ‘pampering session’ with some very creative budding hairdressers!  Our outdoor role play area has become a Pizza Restaurant with delivery service at the request of a few children who came up with the idea of delivering Pizzas on the bikes.  We made some pizzas at the creative table for our role play and even made some real pizzas for snack – delicious!

The creative area has been busy this week.  The children have been making doctor’s bags, x-ray pictures and have been designing many a junk model masterpiece.  We always welcome donations of junk modelling material.

More exciting news coming soon…

Scottish Week in the Nursery

This week the Nursery are learning about all things Scottish.  Today many of the children tried a traditional Burns Supper at snack time.  Children enjoyed dancing to Scottish music and created some Scottish themed artwork at the creative table.  Later this week we will be learning some Scottish songs and some Scots language through stories and rhymes. The children have been engaging with our interactive Scottish display and some have dressed up in the tartan clothes in the role play area. We will be making our own shortbread over the next week or so – yum!

Our next topic is ‘People Who Help Us’.  If you have an interesting/helpful job you think the children would be interested in, please speak to a member of staff.