All posts by Mrs Lytle

Deep Sea World with P2/1 and P2

What an exciting day we had at Deep Sea World.

We were able to show Mr Alexander how much we already knew about pollution. We loved the ‘Put it in the Bin’ Game. Touching the starfish was amazing! What was your Wow Word to describe what the starfish felt like?

We watched the seals being fed. Who knew seals were such acrobats? We learned about how seals kept in Deep Sea World are kept active and fit. A bit like us!

We went through the Shark Tunnel- ARRRRGGGHH!!!! We LOVED this. We saw some very brave divers in with the sharks too! It was great fun spotting all the different kinds of sea life.

Our last event was watching the piranhas being fed. We were fascinated to discover that the other fish waited for the King Piranha to take the first bite!

What was your favourite part of the day? Why? Deep Sea World 002 Deep Sea World 025 Deep Sea World 075

ECO Week, Baking and School Trip in P2/1 and P2


It’s ECO week and we went around the school and looked for different kinds of pollution. Oh my goodness! What a lot of pollution we saw! What can we do about all of it? We spoke about it in our classes and had some fabulous ideas! When you are out at the weekend, why not see how many different kinds of pollution you can spot!

We enjoyed being in the teepee for drama and music. It felt like being in a different world!

We loved all the wonderful animal costumes. We thought we were in the zoo today!

Mrs Logan has been making sandwiches with us. We planted cress a few weeks ago and watched it grow. We have now used this as a sandwich filling option along with tomatoes, eggs and cheese. Mmmmm, delicious! Why not make sandwiches for your family at the weekend? You can always take photos.

We are getting really excited about our trip to Deep Sea World next week! Please remember to return your lunch letter. Please do not bring any money as we will not be visiting the shop this time. There are lots of other exciting things planned!

First week back with P2/1 and P2

We have had a wonderful first week back with P2/1 and P2.

Our timetables will be changing from next week.

P2/1 will have gym on Monday and Friday.

P2 will have gym on Monday and Wednesday. Children do not need to come dressed in PE clothes on Monday morning as there will be a chance to change later on in the day.

Both classes are very lucky to be working with Mrs Logan for this term.

Spelling will continue to be taught on a Monday. We hope you are enjoying finding new words and completing the different spelling activities.

Reading days for both classes are Tuesday and Thursday.

We can’t wait to find out what happens next with Rainbow Fish!

A new homework grid will be sent out on Monday.

This term in Maths we will continue working on shape, and will be starting to work with money- counting money, making amounts and giving change.

In Mental Maths we are building our skills in addition and subtraction within 20. Our focus is on using the most efficient strategies to solve the sums. Remember the Speed Challenge is an excellent way to support this. Speed challenge is available at the link below.

Remember all the activities that were sent home from the Primary 2 Maths Homework can still help your child-P2 Maths homework 2 .

We will also be counting forwards and backwards in 5s and 3s.

We will begin to look at the concept of early multiplication and division through making equal groups and sharing.

Lots to look forward to!

Primary 2 and 2/1 Count in 2’s

This week we have been learning how to count in 2’s. Our teachers found a fantastic video to help us with our counting. We find it very challenging but we know that by practising and learning new things our brains are growing! Why not have a go at home with your family! GET UP! GET DOWN! Have you noticed anything special about these numbers?



P2/1 and P2 Fair Trade Fortnight

We loved having our big breakfast in school and eating our Fairtrade snacks in our pyjamas! If you’re at the shops this weekend, how many Fairtrade products can you spy? How will you know if they are Fairtrade?

It was great today being back in our own playground! We are really looking forward to seeing what will happen next!

P2/1 and P2 Some Maths Homework Ideas.

The Primary 2 children have all been working really hard on number work. We love working with our new 100 number mat!

Here are some extra ideas for you to practise at home.

P2 Maths homework 2

We hope you enjoy playing these games.

Each week we try to improve our mental maths skills. Why not have a go at home? Click on the link below:

Speed Challenge 

We hope you have a nice break. We’re all looking forward to seeing you again on Wednesday.



Congratulations in P2/1 and P2

We are all very proud of the boys and girls in P2/1 and P2 who received achievement certificates today. What do you think you could work on to help you get a certificate at the next achievement assembly?

Our teachers are also very proud of the boys and girls who took part in the recent Scottish Poetry Competition. Well done to everyone, especially our winners.