All posts by Mr Brice

Primary 5B Responsibility

P5B delivered their assembly on Friday. They presented their thoughts on responsibility. Take a look at their video for their responsibility song.

P5b Week ending 28th October

This week P5b have been learning about countries from South America. There are 12 countries in South America. We made posters in small groups.

In PE we have started learning some badminton. We have been looking at doubling in maths. Some of us have been given some brass instruments to learn.

We had a great fun at the halloween disco. Jack Duffy won the boys best costume competition. There was a fantastic pumpkin competition. We did apple bobbing, pumpkin golf and grabbing doughnuts.
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Primary 5B News Sep 30th

Primary 5B have been taking part in the schools Macmillan event to raise money. We have all come in today wearing green.

Earlier in the week we started our Footsall programme. The girls are the current champions in ‘Nasty or Nice’ our maths game. We had our first Terrific Tuesday and it was great doing some activities with parents. We look forward to next Tuesday’s Ispend event.
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P5 Weekly News

We have worked very hard on our Paralympic mini topic. We learnt about the sports that are involved, the Paralympic values and created bar charts showing how well different countries did.

In the coming week we will begin our new topic ‘Harvest’. We will be sharing our learning on this in a few week time to the whole school in the harvest assembly. As well as attending the Harvest Cluster Assembly at the Lanthorn on the 11th October.img_1691 img_1692 img_1693

P5a Movies

P5a have been working with Hidden Giants to create some imaginative stories. Th children worked in small groups and were all given the same starting points for each part. ‘Once upon a time, Every day, One day, Beacause of that, Because of that, Until Finally’

P5a visit ‘Museum on the Mound’

The P5a children had a superb trip to the Bank of Scotland’s museum. We learnt about the history of money and about different items that have been used instead of money in the past. We learnt about the history of coins and we got to make our very own coins. We learnt about bank notes and how they are designed to make it difficult to fake. A great day out and we took the train to get there. What an adventure! I wonder what did the P5a children find the most interesting?

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