P7b 16.6.17

This week most of the soon to be S1 pupils went to visit James Young High School for induction days on Tuesday and Wednesday. Some of the subjects we did included; Modern Languages, Business Education, CDT (craft,design and technology), Art, Science, English, Maths, History, Mandarin, RMPS, PSE and PE. We went around our classes with our tutor group and our S6 buddies! On Wednesday we took part in an I-Participate Fair where we got to walk around and put our names forward for school clubs! We had great 2 days and are so looking forward to August now.

We have been learning more about the charity ‘Smalls for All’ and how they support children and women in countries around the world. We had a great day today wearing pants in funny ways and donating lots of pairs of pants too.

We said farewell to Miss Ramsay today. She has been working with us for 4 weeks and has taught us lots of science and geography. We will miss her lots.

Bon weekend!

P7b and Miss Brown

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