In numeracy we have been learning how to partition numbers into tens and ones and now know the difference between a pictogram and a block graph. We have been keeping an eye on the Paralympic medal table and using the information to create graphs and tables.
To celebrate the centenary of Roald Dahl’s birthday we created beards for Mr Twit. We have also been looking at “Gobblefunk”, Roald Dahl’s own wonderful language. In our class we now have new pupils called “The Gloriumptious Hornswaggler”, “The Frightsome Bootboggler” and “The Frightsome Boggis”.
We are lucky this term to have Amy teaching us Scottish Street Dancing and we have created our own dances.
Over the next two weeks we will be working on our assembly on Thoughtfulness. All our parents, carers and friends are invited to this assembly on Friday 30th September. We look forward to seeing you all there.