It has been a really busy but exciting week. A very important role in P7 is being a buddy to the new P1 pupils. As part of this we have created and edited a video and made posters and leaflets to help share our knowledge with the school. We want to ensure we are quality buddies!
In PE with Mr Muldoon we completed the beep test and are going to be working really hard to improve our fitness this term.
In class we have been working on putting together our class charter. This has involved deciding on articles as well as teacher and pupil agreements to ensure everyone respects these rights. We completed designs and voted for our favourite one. Kyle, Rowan, Lochlan and Finlay’s wonderful monopoly design won!
It has been a busy week completing application forms at home. To help us with this process we have reflected on our skills and qualities and thought about what positions we would like to apply for.
It has been really enjoyable spending lots of time with our P1 buddies. It is great to see them settling in so well and helping them to become more independent.
Have a great weekend, from P7b.