Primary 3 Scottish Poetry Winners

Our seven class competition winners did us proud this morning at the school poetry competition.  They were confident, spoke loud and clear and we heard and saw some super expression and actions from all of them!  Miss Robertson, Mrs Stephen, Mrs Mayhew and Mrs Cameron and all of Primary 3 thought they did an excellent job at representing us in front of the P1-3 classes and teachers and our special competition judges.

Well done Ben, Lucy E, Morgan, Lucy L, Hamza, Andrew and Josh!



The judges said they had a very tough time choosing a top three and so they decided to award a first place and then a joint second place.

So in joint second place we have…………..


Lucy E and Morgan from P3b!!  They both performed “Mince and Tatties” by J.K Annand.  Well done Girls!

And in first place……………..


Hamza from P3a!!  Who also performed “Mince and Tatties”  Well done Hamza!


Well done to our three winners and all our other competitors – you all did a fantastic job!

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