What’s been happening in Primary 3!?

We have had a wonderful first two weeks in Primary 3!  During this time we have been getting to know our new teachers and have had lots of fun doing different “Getting to know you” activities.  We have also been learning all about The Four Capacities, and are beginning to understand what it means to be a Successful Learner, a Confident Individual, a Responsible Citizen and an Effective Contributor.  This has seen us presenting our summer reading photographs or holiday postcards to the rest of the class in “Show and Tell” sessions, taking part in teamwork challenges and identifying our own literacy targets for this term to take responsibility for our own learning in writing.  We have also been revisiting our Rights and have been learning all about the difference between “need” and “want” and what the words “family” and “home” mean to us.

We have also taken the time to discuss expectations in Primary 3 and have come up with class Golden Rules for this year.  We were then asked to focus on a particular rule for our whole school assembly last week.  We were looking at “Looking after property” and identified that this meant our own belongings, things we borrow from our classmates and things that belong to the school.  We made posters that showed the difference between property that is looked after and property that is damaged and wasted and presented a selection of these to the rest of the school.  We enjoyed being able to be part of assembly for the first time in P3.

Here are our posters that we presented at assembly:





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