This week in Primary 2 and Primary 2/1 we have enjoyed learning about our Scottish animals. Primary 2a were learning about the otter, Primary 2b were discovering facts about the gull and Primary 2/1 enjoyed learning about the red deer. We have learned many facts using our research skills and were able to tell them to the class and then use them to create a fact-file. This was the first fact-file we had ever written and we think we did a splendid job! This has taught us more about non-fiction writing and reading, note taking as well as using bullet points. Why do you not quiz us the next time you see us, as we are full of facts and enjoy sharing them!
I loved doing my front cover it was so fun!!!
hi p3a are doing ladybird it was so fun learning all about a lady birds
Ayanna out
I enjoyed looking at the lighthouse keepers lunch and tea and wish that I could do it at home.