Weekly Grid 1 ๐General task grid week 1
Category Archives: P2 – Miss Anderson/Mrs Benzeval
P2/3 Spellings
Here are our spellings of the week ๐Spellings
P2/3 Numeracy Time
We have been doing addition in class using concrete materials, number lines and mental strategies.
Here are some activities, songs and tasks to help you practise.
Let me know how you get on!
Miss Anderson ๐Numeracy lesson 1 addition
P2/3 Monday’s Literacy Time
Good morning everyone! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend with your families and are ready to join in with our online learning.
Please feel free to comment on the blog about how you have got on today.
I look forward to hearing all about your learning experience.
Miss Anderson ๐Phonics Session 1 ed words
P2/3 Monday 23rd March Writing lesson
Good morning!
Miss Anderson and I hope you had a lovely sunny weekend and managed to get some fresh air.
Here is a writing lesson for you to look at today.ย Remember the Winter scene we looked at then wrote an imaginative story about?ย This is similar but with a Spring scene.ย Today’s lesson is a bit of a warm up.ย I will post writing lessons every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
If you get suck, please just ask (on blog or Twitter).ย If it’s too much, just write a storyย and have fun!ย We are all in this together x
Love, Mrs BP ๐ย Week 1, lesson 1 Writing Home Learning Imaginative