Category Archives: P2 – Miss Anderson/Mrs Benzeval

P2/3 Week Beginning Monday 27th April :)

Good morning P2/3!

I hope that you have had a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine.

This weeks home learning is going to be a little bit different. Our focus is to spend less time on the computer  -‘REDUCE SCREEN TIME WEEK’.

We would love to get your feedback at the end of the week so you can tell us how you found doing the home learning in this way.

Throughout the week please keep referring to the weekly grid as there are lots of fun outdoor learning activities.

General task grid week 4

Today’s activities:

Phonics-Session sounds hunt week 4

Maths challenge

Spellings Wk4- 27.4.20

You could share your pictures by posting  them on twitter or send me an e-mail  (

Hope you enjoy it and have fun!

Miss Anderson 🙂

Functional Writing, Postcard (part 3 of 3) P2/3

Friday 24th April 2020

Good morning.  Well done to those of you who wrote a reply postcard to me either on paper or in your jotter.  Thank you.

Today we will swap postcards!  I have written a postcard example from one friend to another.  I’d like you to read this then write a reply pretending you are friends.  Use your reply to me to help you.  You can write a comment here, or post pictures of your work on Twitter or e-mail to the school (  Remember, you don’t have to use a real postcard.  A piece of paper will be fine.  Thank you.

2020_4_19_147053_23_46_Postcard Home Learning Week 3 to Julie from Emma

2020_4_19_147053_23_36_Postcard Home Learning Week 3 reply from Julie

Functional Writing – postcard

LI –          to show the purpose of my writing.

SC –        I can include the main features of a postcard.

I can include who the postcard is to and from.

I can include a general statement, at least one fact and a farewell message.

I can respond to a question appropriately.

After swapping postcards today, how do you feel about reading and writing postcards?  Perhaps you could write some postcards to friends or family over the weekend?



Royal Mail are asking the nation to show support for your postie by giving them a ‘thumbs up’.This can be in real life (but please keep a 2m distance!).  You can support your local postie with the following free colouring pages:

Remember you can pick up lunches from Kirkhill PS.  I’ll also be posting on Twitter.  Any questions, please just ask!

Love, Mrs BP x

Literacy – Functional, Postcard (part 2 of 3) P2/3

Thursday 23rd April 2020 

Good morning!  Many thanks to those of you who read my postcard and used the e-form to tell me your answers.  Well done!  Today it’s your turn to write a postcard back to me.  Follow the template to help you.  You can write a comment here or post pictures of your work on Twitter.  Remember, you don’t have to use a real postcard.  Any piece of paper will do.  Have fun!

2020_4_19_147053_23_27_Postcard Home Learning Week 3 reply

Functional writing – postcard

LI –          to show the purpose of my writing.

SC –        I can include the main features of a postcard.

I can include who the postcard is to and from.

I can include a general statement, at least one fact and a farewell message.

After writing the postcard think about how do you feel you did today?

Remember you can pick up lunches from Kirkhill PS.  I’ll also be posting on Twitter.

Any questions, please just ask!  Love, Mrs BP x