Category Archives: P2/1 – Mrs Hare

Home Learning for P2 in P2/1


Today all the children were given a jotter with a homework grid, maths week Scotland challenge and their Sumdog logins. The jotter is to keep at home and can be used for completing the activities in, practicing letter formation, writing and commons words.

I will also attach the grid and challenge to this post.

Well done for all your hard work so far P2. You are all doing an amazing job.

Miss Mackay

P2 homework grid

Maths about my family

Home Learning for all P1 Children.

Hello Everyone,

Firstly Mrs McKay and I would like to say well done to all of our P1s for how well they have settled in to school We are very proud of you all.

Today the children were all given a red homework jotter, inside the jotter is a homework task grid, a maths week Scotland activity and their Sumdog log in. We would like the children to practise their letter formation in the jotter for the sounds we work on in class. So far we have looked at m, c, k, s and p.

Each week Mrs McKay and I will post the new sound and the common words that we are working on that week.

I will also upload the documents onto the blog for future reference.

Thank you again for all your support.

Miss Mackay and Mrs McKay

Primary 1 Homework Grid Nature Detectives

Maths about Me homework

P2/1 Home Learning Activities Thursday 13th Aug

Good morning P2, I hope that you all enjoyed your first day back at school, I know that I really enjoyed seeing all your smiling faces back in class. I’m very much looking forward to welcoming you back again on Friday.

I am attaching 3 short activities that I would like you to look at today. One is all about what you think makes a good friend. In class yesterday we talked about kindness and how we can spread some kindness to our new P1 class mates so know I would like you to think about how we can be good friends them and your new P2 class mates.

The other two tasks are focusing on yourself and your learning so far in school in P1 and outside of school. One of them is to draw a picture and tell me about 3 things that you all ready know about or can do really well. The other is then to set yourself some goals of things you would like to achieve this year.

I thought it would be helpful for you to think about what you are good at first before setting your goals.

If you are able to you can email in your work to the school office, or you can have a chat with me about it on Friday.

I hope you have a lovely day, see you tomorrow at 8:55!

Miss Mackay x

P2 Home Learning Thursday 13th

P1 message Friday 26th June


summer-holidays « Scarborough Baptist Church

Good morning everyone, we have made it to the end of term and the end of Primary 1, there is another virtual assembly on TEAMS for P4-7 at 10am, hopefully some of you will be able to join in with your older siblings. We have loved teaching you all this year, getting to know you and your families. Hopefully we will have a sunny summer with lots of fun times and happy memories created. You’ve worked so hard throughout lockdown and we are extremely proud of the way you have coped. Stay safe, be happy and we’ll see you when you return, ready for P2 in August.

Virtual Classroom for last day of term