Good morning again everyone. Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see Week 1 timetable for more details.
Joe Wicks workout is proving to be a hit in getting children warmed up in the morning-tune in at 9am if you can
- Our new sound today is ‘ch’.
Discuss where the ‘ch’ sound is made? ( Note for parents it is made with the flat centre of the tongue and is a green colour)
- Can you think of any words that use the ‘ch’ sound?
- Does the ‘ch’ sound come at the start, the middle or the end of these words?
- Slide sounds together to form the following words:
chop, chips, chin, chick, chess, chest, lunch, bunch, bench, torch
- Now write these words and draw a picture to match (extension activity, write sentences.)
- Videos to look at (song) (alphablocks)
- Mental maths as on timetable.
- Create your own fact families using numbers within 10 (same format as Monday but using numbers from 1 to 10)
- Refer to week one grid
- Use or create your own version of the KWL grid to talk about what you already know and would like to know about maps. KWL sheet
- Perhaps you could begin to investigate maps and their uses. You could create your own-be as creative as you like. This can be continued into next week.