Author Archives: Miss Mack

Thursday 26th March 2020 – Today’s activities

Good Morning P4S! Here are the activities for today;

Thursday 26th March 2020 – IDL and Outdoor Learning – edited

Thursday 26th March 2020 – Literacy

Prefixes ppt

Timetable for today is: 

9.00-9.30: Joe Wicks HIIT workout – you tube

9.30-10.30 : Literacy activities with prefixes ppt above

10.30-11.00: Snack and watch Wildlife with Steve Backshall

11.00-12.30: PE with Mr Blair

12.30-1.15: Lunchtime and free time

1.15-2.15: IDL

2.15- 3.15 : Outdoor Learning

P3M – Some updates from this term

Hello everyone, what a busy term we have had so far! Here are some photos to show some of the exciting activities we have participated in across the curriculum including;

  • Designing and rolling eggs to investigate length in Maths,
  • learning and performing an African dance as part of our whole school focus on Malawi,
  • using the internet to research animals which live in Malawi and gathering information to present to our peers,
  • celebrating the positive choices we made in term three during our Good to be Green afternoon tea,
  • developing our orienteering skills during outdoor PE,
  • using natural materials to create our own ‘Stick Men’ characters which we have used adjectives to describe,

We still have lots of exciting activities to participate in before the end of term. Keep on checking our blog and twitter page for updates!


Miss Mack and P3M!