Primary 1 learning activities-Monday 11th May

Good morning, we hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend. Our activities for you this week are slightly different. We would like you to spend this week working on a personal project to help you find out more about people who help us. Mrs McKay knows from past experience just how heavy the fire fighters uniform is!

Image may contain: 1 person

People Who Help Us project

It would be great if you could share your learning with us by Friday, we look forward to seeing what you create.

Continue to investigate capacity and volume in maths:

estimating volume and capacity

PE-Try to get outside if you can or use one of our suggested sites. This term we would be preparing for sports day, trying to build up your fitness and stamina. We would also be helping you learn to skip. If you have a skipping rope see how many times you can skip without the rope catching on your body. You might find it tricky but keep trying. Let us know what your best score is by commenting on the blog.

Miss Mackay-are you up for a skipping challenge?!

18 thoughts on “Primary 1 learning activities-Monday 11th May

  1. Good morning ladies! Orlagh isn’t feeling too great but we will do what we can and catch up. The pictures in the capacity and volume link don’t work on my phone, some are missing and some are cut in half. I can use my own real life items instead though☺️ xx

  2. Mrs McKay is that you setting me a challenge?! You know I can’t resist 😊. I think you would make a great fire fighter 👩🏼‍🚒🧯. I’m looking forward to seeing some of the ‘People Who Help Us’ projects.

  3. Post author

    Morning, hope she feels better soon, don’t stress about these activities-the project is running all week as the main task but could easily be rolled over into next week if needed. Real life items will be easier for her to see and understand how containers can hold different amounts of liquid and that the tallest isn’t always the one that holds most! Hope you all have a lovely day.

  4. Post author

    Maybe the children would like to set you a skipping challenge Miss Mackay?! I know how much you like demonstrating skipping in the playground! Unfortunately a career in firefighting is not for me as I really don’t like fire, the uniform was so hot and heavy and I only had it on for about 10 minutes. I’m just so disappointed that we aren’t in school for this topic as it’s one of my favourites.

  5. Thank you! She’s not been quite right for a couple of days, sleeping on and off and not eating much. Perfect, will do that. I couldn’t be a firefighter either, I hate the heat😂 in 6th year I tried on the uniform and ran a wee lap😅 Orlagh challenges Miss Mackay to skip with one foot… x

  6. Post author

    Doesn’t sound like her at all as she normally has so much energy. Sounds like she needs some rest and time to build up her strength. I’m sure Miss Mackay will rise to that challenge!

  7. Yeah definitely not her wee self at all. Definitely, she’ll ask for something to eat and not eat it… We look forward to seeing it😃 we want proof!!🤣🤣x

  8. Ashley if you need me to print anything off for you, we can do that and post it through the letter box on our daily walk/cycle.
    Arlo is happy today with a cut out and glue job to do and he’s thinking hard about who he wants to do his challenge on. We’ve also had a head start with skipping as we found the skipping ropes we got from school last year when we were clearing out the back cupboard last week so been practising in the garden. He also wonders if Miss Mackay can skip on one foot 10 times.
    Thank you for your email back Miss Mackay really appreciate it, we will send in some work for you to see when he does it.

  9. Good morning

    Xander is really not in the mood for learning at the moment. I thought the special project might tempt him – but he hid under his duvet.

    We’ve been trying flash cards with him to earn points – and he’s just not interested.

  10. Post author

    I sympathise-my daughter is reluctant to complete her home learning tasks set by her teacher. I’ll have a think, see if there’s anything I can do to help motivate him, he’s normally so enthusiastic about all learning at school, I know it’s such a strange time for everyone.

  11. Post author

    I’m glad he’s happy with the tasks set today, I know Miss Mackay will be delighted to read this too.

  12. Eek it looks as though I have a few skipping challenges to complete this afternoon. I will need to get into the hut and see if I can find some skipping ropes. Don’t worry I’ll get my Mum to film me so there will be proof. I’m sorry to hear that some of our P1s aren’t feeling so good to day. Fingers crossed it passes soon. Glad to hear the project is going down well though. Miss Mackay x

  13. I’ve just seen on the TV about a family who have a feel good song. They play it every day and have a dance around the house or garden. I wonder if we could get suggestions for a P1 song and we could pick one as our happy anthem? Video clips of us all dancing around could be shared 💃🏼🕺🏻. Miss Mackay xx

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