Tag Archives: #stmarysenhancedresourcebase

Tay Class St. Mary’s Primary Enhanced Resource Base

What a difference a week can make… Tay Class had time playing outdoors on the grass now all the snow has melted.
We had a visit to the trim trail with Rannoch Class which we really enjoyed especially as we haven’t been there for a while.  AE and AH loved playing in the big puddle and did really well taking turns with one another.
We listened to and watched songs about ‘Hot and Cold’ and did a few follow-up activities. We’ll continue this topic next week.
Our favourite stories this week were ‘Arnie and the Donut’ and ‘The Three Little Pigs’.
Mrs McMaster had the big climbing frame and ladder out for us at PE.  We did so well balancing, climbing and challenging ourselves on this. Fantastic Tay Class!