Tag Archives: #sharingthelearning


Primary 4 had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day!  What a brilliant day!  Some photos of us in action…

HAPPY WORLD BOOK DAY – Keep reading!



On Friday, we enjoyed having our parents and carers in class to share our learning.  Following our activities on World Book Day yesterday, we decided to do some reading with our parents today.  So, we brought in our favourite books from home and enjoyed reading with our parents.  We then completed a book review detailing our thoughts on the book (or chapter) that we read.  We then designed posters for our class library and chose some book related activities.

Bonnie – I designed a character from my favourite book and my dad helped me.

Jessica – I read a chapter from my Harry Potter book and did my book review.

Hudson – I sat in the library with my mum and we read three books!  I loved it and I love reading!

Bella – I like brining my favourite book from home but I only read a chapter as it had loads of pages.  I’ve got loads of books at home and I liked reading with my mum.

Stella – I liked reading then doing my book review.  I gave my book 5 stars because it’s so good.

Jacob – After reading, I designed a character costume.

Damon – I loved reading “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” with my mum and it’s my favourite book because it’s so funny.

Jaxon – I liked when my mum came in and we read my story together.

Ellie – I did a reading word-search with my sister and found all the words.  I read a chapter of my book to Jodie.

Karlie – I brought in my favourite Harry Potter book.  It’s so special and the pictures in it are so pretty and it makes me want to read it even more.

THANK YOU very much to all the parents and carers for coming along on Friday.  Your support is always much appreciated and it’s fantastic for all of  the children to share their learning with you.

Tay Class News (St. Mary’s Primary ERB)

We’ve continued to learn about money, time and shape.    This week we’ve been learning about repeating patterns.  We listened to/watched songs about patterns and H enjoyed dancing along to one of them too.  We also did some pattern activities on the iPads.  We’ve continued to practice our phonics through songs and activities. We’ve practiced our listening skills through activities on the iPads.  We’ve listened to stories and explored the books in class.   Some of us came to school in pyjamas today to celebrate world book day.

We’ve enjoyed time outdoors in the playground, field, outdoor class and the trim trail.  It’s  been very chilly this week so many of us were delighted at the contents of ‘What’s in the box?’ yesterday: hot chocolate, marshmallows and cream! We mixed up our own.  Two of the class drank/ate all three things.  Some of us just liked the cream and marshmallows.

We’ve celebrated several birthdays in class too.  ‘A’ has been singing ‘Happy Birthday’ regularly over the past two months so he was very excited to celebrate his own birthday and hear people singing to him.  His big smile says it all!

Primary 3 update

Scotland - Maths - Maths Week Scotland 2023 - Maths puzzles for classroom or home with BBC Bitesize Scotland - BBC Bitesize

Well done to Primary 3 for working well together in  groups to create posters to celebrate Maths Week Scotland!  We spoke about what we think about Maths and how we use it in our every day lives. Children spoke about what they enjoy and what they find tricky.  We spoke about the different resources we can use to help us with our Maths learning.


Health and Care Virtual Sharing the Learning Session Tickets, Tue 10 Oct 2023 at 13:00 | Eventbrite

Thank you to all the parents for coming along on Friday morning to our Sharing the Learning event.  I am sure you will agree, our children are shining stars!  Your support is always very much appreciated, and it was lovely to see such a great turn out.

Seesaw Learning - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Well done to the children  for working so well on homework tasks on Seesaw.  We appreciate the time and effort going into all homework tasks and it is wonderful for us to see children engaging so eagerly in their homework!


Sharing the Learning – Primary 1

110,218 Sun Safety Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Thank you to the parents who were able to pop along to our Sharing the Learning event this morning.  As part of our Health and Wellbeing learning, this morning the children were finding out more about sun safety.  They all worked very well and chose a variety of activities to do with their parents.


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A very special thanks to Miss Gaffney who has been in P1 and P2 this week as part of her school’s work experience programme.  The staff and children have all loved working with her and she has the makings of being a wonderful, caring and fun teacher!  We are very thankful for all her help and wish her every success in the future.