Throughout all my learning, I take appropriate action to ensure conservation of materials and resources, considering the impact of my actions on the environment. TCH 1- 02a
I can consider ways of looking after my school or community and can encourage others to care for their environment. SOC 1-08a
Primary 3 have been learning about some of the ways they can be eco-friendly. This means encouraging people to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it. It starts in the classroom, it expands to the school and eventually fosters change in the community.
Through listening to stories and carrying out research we have been finding out about how we can save energy and become more energy efficient. We shared our learning with each other and designed posters to highlight this. We have made a commitment to turn the lights off in our classroom every Friday morning after playtime to save energy.
We wondered if any other classes would like to do the same?
If you turn them off when the light is not needed, even for a short period of time, you will be saving a lot of energy and reduce electricity demand which has a rippling effect.
Karlie – You can do lots of things like switching lights off, turning taps off so you don’t waste water, recycle old things and re-use them too so you are not wasting things.
Damon – We made posters about saving energy. I’m trying to do some of the things at home like turning lights off when they are not needed.
Jaxon – Have a short shower and save electricity and water.
Jessica – Don’t use your tablet for that long because it needs to be charged up. You can play with other games instead or read books.
Rocco – Walk to school rather than the bus or car.
Bonnie – Turn the heating down in your house and wear warm clothes when it’s cold so you don’t need the heating on that long.
Cody – Close the windows when the heating is on. If it’s a sunny day you don’t need the heating on.
Ellie – If the washing machine is on, don’t have it up high (temperature).
Jacob – Turn off the TV and other things (devices) when you aren’t using them and don’t leave them on standby.
REMEMBER – Saving energy is really important to help protect the environment and save money on the household bills. Our teachers have set us a challenge to do some energy saving activities at home over the coming week!