Today At Camp

Another incredible day at camp. Pancakes this morning for breakfast was a real hit and fuelled us for a full day of amazing activities.

The sun came out for our water rafting activity, we were thankful to have a splash in the water after we built our rafts. The other team got competitive at archery and walked the catwalk.
We finished the day off with a campfire where we were chatting about our pit and our peak (our best and worst bits of camp). No one could give a negative but some positives included, “water rafting”, “lunch”, “the catwalk because I thought it would be hard and I could do it”, “the crate building because it helped my fear of heights”.

Now after a VERY competitive game of rounders, we are chilling out with snacks, music and games.

We should say we are looking forward to going home tomorrow but that might be a lie for some.

Another exciting, fun filled, wet, wild, sunny, adventurous day here at Bromley camp.
Sleepy heads started the day at 7:30 this morning but breakfast of cereal, croissants (chocolate ones too) and toast helped set us up for the day. Catwalk for one of the groups and Raft Building were 2 of many highlights of the day amount many.  Again lots of smiles, hard work and success for all. We have some quotes from our happy camper below.

Codi “That’s a 10/10 dinner.”

Willow “Low ropes helped us with teamwork.”

Elise “I had a smashing sleep.”

Maddison “I’m excited to do raft building today.”

Adam “If they keep feeding us like this I could live here forever.”

Shaheen “Nightline is very exciting.”

Luke “That was an amazing breakfast.”

Terry “Activities are fun.”

Daniel “Today is going to be awesome.”

Oliver “We have strong minds you can’t trick us.”

Lewis “ I am the midge repeller.”

Well done to each and every one of our amazing Campers.

History Detectives in P3

We have made an interesting start to our new IDL topic of Ancient Egypt. We were given an ancient artefact to study and investigate . We used our skills of observation to discuss with our talk partners what we thought our artefact was, what it is made of and how it is decorated. We then visited some websites to find out more information about our artefacts. Some of us had a pyramid, a Mummy, an Egyptian God, a sphinx and a sarcophagus.

Primary 7 Camp

A brilliant day had by all here in Broomlee. We have settled well into our dorms before heading out for our first activities! A delicious lunch was a big hit with lots of our campers before our afternoon activities-Low Ropes, toasting marshmallows and Night walk. Dinner was pasta with cake and custard then we finished the day with a game of snakes and ladders with a twist.

Exciting, fun, tiring, wonderful and thrilling were words given by our primary 7,s to sum up there day.

Now hopefully a long nights sleep.

Looking forward to tomorrow’s adventure!

P6’s trip to Stirling Castle

P6 started their new topic after the holidays – learning about the Scottish wars of independence. William Wallace and Robert the Bruce are central to this important part of Scotland’s history, as is Stirling Castle. We enjoyed our trip and the lovely weather!

We started off on the esplanade where there is an imposing statue of Robert the Bruce and vies of the Wallace Monument. Next we explored the Queen Anne Garden, with its stone cannon balls, and took in the incredible view of the surrounding countryside. We could clearly see the castle was built on the crag as you would have had clear views in all directions in the event of a siege.

Next up was the Great Hall, Great Kitchens and  Palace where we got to interact with characters from the middle ages who told us all about the Castle and its royal inhabitants. We also saw the giant cannons and peeped through the holes they would have fired through.

After lunch we visited other parts of the castle including an exhibition and then went to the gift shop. It was such a fun day and we learned so much!  Well done too for being a credit to the school throughout the day!

Primary 1S

What an exciting week in Primary 1, we have had special visitors this week, Biscuit and Muffin, the guinea pigs from the nursery. Some of our friends from nursery brought the guinea pigs over and we go to play together.

We got to look after Biscuit and Muffin all week, we had to make their breakfast, make sure they have hay  and clean water. We enjoyed cuddles with them.


We enjoyed showing our friends our classroom.

On Tuesday we received a letter from a magic dragon from Fairytale land, he asked us to help save Fairyland by reading fairytale stories, he also asked us to make  fairyland corner in our class. We have started by making a giant beanstalk! Our Primary 7 buddies read us stories and we made Jack and  a giant together for our beanstalk.

This week we also enjoyed sometime outdoors in the school garden and the trim trail. In the garden we did some weeding and planted some flower seeds and we also watered the plants that we planted last time.

On Friday we walked up to the nursery to take Biscuit and Muffin home. We were very careful taking all there things back. We enjoyed playing with our friends in the nursery.

Have a lovely weekend.

Rannoch News!

Rannoch Class have had a great week!

We’ve enjoyed lots of learning to do with the measurement and ordering of objects in our Numeracy lessons and where we find Tropical Rainforests, as we begin this new Topic…as well as the animals that live there. We’ve also enjoyed time outside in the good weather and in the Outdoor Classroom where we built our own symmetrical models from the wooden blocks. We have also enjoyed catching and feeling bubbles! Tomorrow…Friday morning…we are ending our week making our own pizzas. Yum!


Reading in Primary 3

Reading at home

In the mornings, we enjoy choosing a book to read at our desks.  It is a lovely soft start to our day and we all enjoy having some quiet time to read for enjoyment in class.

Bella – Reading is really nice and it makes you calm.

Alexander – I love reading.  I love reading in school.

Jacob – I love “Where’s Wally?”

Damon – I love reading “Minecraft”.

Bonnie – I like to read information books to find out new things,

Annalee – I love reading  “Matilda”.

Stella – it’s fun to read in class and it is nice and quiet.

Peter – I like reading and the pictures too.

Luke – There’s lots of them (books) to choose from.

Primary 1S

What a good first week back in school for Primary 1S. We have all enjoyed being back in school seeing our friends and getting time to play together.

In class we checked on out potatoes 🥔 that were hiding in our trays, they had grown roots! During our outdoor learning we planted our potatoes 🥔 in the soil. We will check on then every week to see how they grow.

We have enjoyed some time in the outdoor classroom, making tracks, building towers and playing in the mud kitchen.


In maths we have been learning positional language, 1st 🥇 2nd 🥈 3rd 🥉…. all the way up to 10. We had some races, with toy cars 🚗 and running 🏃 Lots of fun was had doing this.

During the week our buddies came down to spend some reading 📖 and playing sumdog. We really enjoy spending time with our buddies.


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