Category Archives: Whole School Events

P1 M’s final week !

We have reached the last day of Primary 1.   We have had lots of new experiences and fun.  We are ready to start P2 .    We hope everyone has a lovely holiday and we will see you in August !

Mrs Moffat


Here we are clearing our growing box and then planting our crops of peas, basil and sunflowers.    We hope they grow well .

These are our fantastic  minature Fairyland models.  We chose different fairyland themes – Jack and the Beanstalk, The Three Little Pigs and Golsilocks and the Three Bears.   Our P7 buddies helped us to design and make these.

P3 at the Safari Park








Today we had a fantastic day at Blair Drummond Safari Park. We loved playing in the adventure playground and sliding down the big bumpy slide. It was so much fun and some of us found it a bit too fast.
We made sure we saw most of the animals. We saw elephants, camels, giraffes, lions, tigers, lemurs, penguins, rhinos, an ostrich, prairie dogs and newly born baby frogs!
We then walked through the Jurassic Park area where we encountered lots of moving, roaring dinosaurs. We had fun humming the theme tune on our way round.

We loved it. We were so well behaved and stayed together as a group,  we were a credit to St Mary’s, Well done primary 3.

P1 M Catch up on Samba Band Friday !

What a busy time we’ve had over the last couple of weeks.  Here we are presenting our Assembly to our parents and our school community.

We did a fantastic job speaking and remembering our lines.


Our peas and sunflowers have been growing well in the classroom and it was time to give them more room to grow, so here we are preparing our planting box.    It was hard work pulling out the weeds from last season.  Watch this space to see our newly planted veg and flowers.


We learned some new hairdressing skills this week  during our play sessions.  It was great fun . Our appointment book has a few spaces, so call and book to upgrade your look.


We have been reading lots of fairy tales this term and since Goldilocks was a favourite we decided that we needed to try out some porridge and fruit for ourselves.    We chopped up banana and strawberries to go with the porridge which was just right  ! 

And finally here we are playing our percussion instruments on Samba Band Friday  We love playing along to music on the Smartboard and getting in the mood for the weekend !   Have a good one !

What a couple of weeks it has been in primary 7

Last week was a fantastic week in primary 7 where we got to explore a range of different activities such as American Football,  Football, Judo, smoothie making, and sports day. We all enjoyed this week immensely and are thankful for all the activities we were able to participate in.

This week we have been busy with our topic WW2 project where we are constructing a model of a trench, concentration camp or Anderson Shelter.
As a class we decided to merge our writing topic of procedure writing with our science topic chemical reactions. We gather various liquids (water, milk, vinegar) and we’re testing to see if a chemical reaction took place when submerging a gummy bear in the liquids overnight. Our results found changes in shape, texture, size, colour and overall appearance. Check out our results.

In-between the hard work we managed to squeeze in some fun Just Dance activities.

For the past two days primary 7 have been attending transitions to Highschool where they have been seen munching on the chocolate crispy cakes the made in home economics. Seems they have had a great time.

Another great week in Primary 7. Not long left now. Keep being yourself P7. You are all amazing, special individuals. Your teacher is so proud of you.

P1 M Yoga, Numeracy and Dancing ! Another fun week !

This  week we learned all about long , longer and longest and short , shorter and shortest.   We also measured the length of our feet and hands using cubes.


On Thursday we had a wonderful yoga session with the lovely lady from Nurture Yoga.   We learned how to hold strong poses and stretch our bodies.   We also had a lovely chill at the end, and nearly nodded off.

On National Numeracy Day we learned  that numbers are everywhere and we are always using numbers in our daily lives. We did a dance and had to use numbers to count out the steps and the actions in the dance.   We had to concentrate really hard, and as usual we were Superstars !

P1M’s Day 5 of Health Week ! What an amazing week !

On Friday,  Day 5 of our Health Week , we made fruit kebabs We had to choose the fruits we liked and carefully put it on to skewers.  We had great fun choosing and eating the delicious fruit.


 Here we are doing our last activity of the week , planting seeds !  We planted sunflowers, peas, basil and cress.   Watch this space to see them grow !  

What a fantastic week we had !   We learned lots of new skills and had amazing new experiences.   Parents , please feel free to leave a comment .  We’d love to hear from you. 

Mrs Moffat