All posts by M Gaffney

A great start in P3

Welcome to Primary 3!

What a fantastic first day we had.  It was great to see everyone so smart and ready to learn.  We were excited to explore our new classroom which is upstairs this year. It was great to see our friends and have time to play and chat together and catch up after the holidays.

It is the Feast of the Assumption today and we said some prayers  and sang one of our favourite hymns for Mary. Today we celebrated when Mary ascended, body and soul into heaven. We made some prayers and pictures to add to our wall display.


This week in P1

We have had a great week spending lots of time outdoors. On Monday we began our new section of measure with our focus on weight. We estimated and weighted different objects around the classroom using balance scales. We tried to estimate how many cubes each object weighed and we then tested our answers by weighing the objects.

We really enjoyed our walk to West Calder library on a beautiful sunny Tuesday. We loved exploring the choice of books and reading them. We were lucky to get to check out our own books which we will read in class. Thanks to Ann who works in the library for helping us and making our visit so enjoyable.
During our outdoor education we said goodbye to our fully grown butterflies. We have enjoyed watching them go through their life cycle and learning all about them.

Numeracy Day in P1

To celebrate Numeracy Day we went outside to see that maths and numeracy can be fun. We realised that we use numbers regularly when we are playing. We counted how many passes we could make with the ball before dropping it. We drew shapes on the ground using chalk. We wrote numbers, some of us wrote all the way up to 40.  We also played hopscotch where we had to read numbers and count.

A great start to health week in P1

Primary 1 have had a fantastic start to Health week.
We started the morning with smoothies. We chopped the different fruit and added it to the blender. This wasn’t just any normal blender. We had to cycle to make the blender work. It was quite tough but we managed it and the smoothies were delicious.
Today we also had a fantastic session with Destination Judo.  We worked in pairs on the mat trying to hold each other and trying to escape. It was great fun.
The day was ended cheering on the staff V the P6/7 pupils during a game of netball. We loved watching our buddies and teachers playing against each other.

P1 Outdoor Eduction

We loved our first session of outdoor learning with Mr Lockhart. We had fun exploring the woodland area. Some of us were climbing trees, hunting for pine cones, looking for sticks and swinging on the rope swing. Mr Lockhart read us a story all about a dragon. We loved it and can’t wait for our next session.

Sofia – I liked playing on the rope swing

Macie – I liked climbing the trees

Evan – I had fun on the swing

Jorja – I loved climbing up the trees

Freya – I liked finding food for the squirrels

Darcy – I liked collecting pine cones and putting them in the pile

Ailsa – I loved bouncing on the trees

Ariana– I liked climbing up the trees

Lucy – I liked it when I was on the swing

Charlotte – I liked the swing too

Jake – I liked collecting sticks

Oonagh – I liked collecting pine cones and making a nest for the birds.


A great first week back in P1

Welcome back to all our P1 stars. We are delighted to see everyone back and ready to learn.  What a great first week we have had.
in maths we are learning to tell the time. We made our own paper plate clocks which we used to show different times. We really enjoyed playing time games on the interactive board and working with our talk partners to read o’clock and half past.

We made the most of the Spring sunny weather we had on Tuesday and spent some time in the afternoon at the park. We played on the seesaw, swings and climbing frames. Some of us had fun rolling down the hill.

We had a very exciting event happen in class. A dragon visited the class and left a glitter trail leading to a letter. The letter explained that his Fairyland had disappeared and there is nowhere for the Fairytale characters to live. He asked us to make a Fairyland in our classroom. We are really excited to help. We read Jack and the Beanstalk and decided to make a beanstalk in our classroom for Jack. We also drew and painted Jack, the giant and a cow to add to our display.

P1 Easter Craft Afternoon

To raise money for our Lenten Charity we decided we wanted to have an Easter Craft/ movie afternoon. This was a great success today. We made Pom Pom Easter Bunnies, Easter baskets which we filled with little chicks, we painted Easter eggs, made Easter cards, we made Spring pictures with stickers and foam shapes and we made scratch Easter pictures. We had fun being artistic and creative.