All posts by Miss Stenhouse

First week of 2024 in Primary 1S

What a fantastic first week back in Primary 1 with lots of learning.

We have started a new topic in class, Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 , as part of our topic we have started reading Hamish McHaggis stories to help us learn Scottish words and places in Scotland. We all worked together to make the characters of the book and listened to the story to find adjectives for each character.

We talked about how we live in a country called Scotland, Polbeth and West Calder are towns in Scotland.

In maths we are working on number bonds to 10, making 10 by adding two numbers together or taking numbers away from 10. We had lots of fun building 10.

In RE we talked about the Epiphany, how the Wise men visited baby Jesus and brought him gifts. We also learned that the Bible has lots of stories about Jesus in it and we treat the Bible with care. One story we looked at was the story of Noah and the flood. We loved making our very own rainbows 🌈 .

On Friday we completed our free writing, we enjoy getting to write about anything we want! We were using our skills we have learned in literacy to write words as well as draw pictures and we are using the classroom tools 🧰 to help us.

Such a bust first week back we will definitely enjoy the weekend 😀

Primary 2

We have been working on our class topic which is “People Who Help Us” and we have identified lots of people who help us in our community.

We discussed their roles and created our own collage models which we have displayed outside our classroom. We think they look fantastic!!

In Numeracy we have been working with a learning partner to use concrete materials and whole-part models to help us write number stories. We have been working very hard!


A short but busy week in Primary 1S

This week we had a great adventure in the woodland area collecting Autumn 🍂 leaves and climbing trees. We then headed to the park to have some fun together.

In class we continued to work on our sounds, we are getting very good at finding and blending sounds to make words, we love Fred games!

In maths we worked together to organise numbers 1 to 10, we are getting good at partner work and using our leader habits.We had to use cutting and sticking skills, some of us find cutting out tricky.

On Friday we got to go up to the voting station in Primary 7. We thought hard about who we wanted to be our house captain and put our votes in the box.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.


First term complete in Primary 1S

Wow 🤩

What a fantastic first term we have had in Primary 1S, lots of learning and lots of fun had by all.  Everyone should be proud of their achievements, Miss Stenhouse is super proud of everyone!

This week we have been learning new sounds and have been working on verbally blending sounds together to make words. In maths we have been build numbers in different ways as well as trying to write them down.

Every Monday we attend a school assembly, at assembly and in class we have been learning the 7 habits of being a leader. This week our focus was Habit 3, think Win – Win. We did really well at working together to complete our Win -Win paper characters.

Thursday we enjoyed outdoor learning, we were out in the school garden harvesting more potatoes and identifying insects 🐜  🕷️ 🐞 .

we took the potatoes back to class and washed them to take home. We talked about how we like to eat potatoes 🥔, mashed, chips, roasted and in soup.


Another fun filled week in Primary 1S

We have had another super learning week in Primary 1S, what a great learning team we are.

A visit to the school garden resulted in lots of vegetables found. We were all super excited to find out what was growing under the soil. Carrots, potatoes, leeks and onions were all found.


We took all our vegetables back to our classroom to share them out to take home. We then cleaned  the vegetables and chopped them up to make soup in the classroom.

We had soup with bread and butter, some of us loved the soup and some of us did not like it but that’s okay as we all like different things. Everyone enjoyed washing, peeling and chopping the vegetables, even if we didn’t want to taste the soup.

Everyone is doing very well learning how to use some of the technology we have in the classroom. The focus has been logging into the iPads independently and scanning QR codes. We all did very well!

For our topic we are thinking “all about me”, how old we are, our names, how we are unique and special and how we all belong to a family, our family at home and our school family. We have created lovey family pictures.

Books are amazing and we are trying to develop a reading culture in the class and although we cannot read yet we are very good at looking at pictures in books and thinking about what the story could be. Reading for enjoyment 📚😀

Have a lovely weekend!


Primary 1S

Another super week in P1s.

We have been learning all about our rights!

We are very proud at St Mary’s to be a Rights Respecting School silver award holder. In Primary 1 we have been focusing on five rights:

Article 1 – Everyone under 18 has these rights.

Article 2 – All children have these rights.

Article 3 –  Adults must do what is best for me.

Article 19 – I have the right to be protected from being hurt or badly treated.

Article 31 – I have the right to relax and play.

We have also been learning about our school values, we have been focusing on being respectful and all agreed to  try hard to follow them. We know that our school values are on our school badge and we have them on our class wall.




At PE we have been learning lots of new skills while having fun!

On top of all our learning we have also had time to have fun outdoors and using loose parts and messy play.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Fantastic start to Primary 1S

What a fantastic start we have had in Primary 1S!

Every one has settled into St Mary’s well and we have all been enjoying learning and playing together. We are all doing very, showing the school values, and are super proud of how we have settled in. I am sure you will agree we all look very smart in our school uniforms.


We have enjoyed learning numbers, especially writing numbers 1 to 4, concentrating on our pencil grip. We have also done super work in learning our first four phonics sounds using Read Write Inc. The sounds we have learned are  m a s d.


Our P7 Buddies have helped us during break and lunch time as well as spend time with us in class, this week we read stories together.

We have had time to explore the our door classroom and use the school “Trim Trail” as well as having a go of the school bikes and scooters. During the first two weeks we have also enjoyed PE, Music and French as well as lots of time to play together. It has been such a busy time for us all.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!




Zoo – Primary 4

WOW what a great day Primary 4 have had at the Zoo!

It was very hot and we were careful to keep hydrated and keep safe in the sun.

We enjoyed a session about endangered animals in the zoo education centre followed by time to explore the animals in the zoo. We enjoyed reading the map and all the facts about the animals.

Primary 4

We enjoyed a lovely 🥰 morning at the school “big breakfast”. It was lovely to have so many families join us for breakfast.

We also had a great morning talking about what we look for in a friend and how we can be a good friend to others, we all enjoyed sharing our learning with grown ups that could come along.

in class we have been closely watching our caterpillars 🐛 grow and then patiently wait on them turning into butterflies 🦋 Today we released them. Some of us got to hold them but we were very understanding that they are delicate and we need to let them fly off.

To end the week w had some fun in the sun for our fun 31 time! Have a lovely weekend everyone ☀️