All posts by Miss Stenhouse

Health week Day 2 Primary 1S

It was another fun filled Heath day in Primary 1S.

First up today was circuits with Primary 1M and Primary 7. We tried lots of different activities working different areas of our bodies.

We then had some time in the garden making flower 🌺 bombs. We did this together with P1M. These were made from wild flower seeds, compost and clay mud. It was very messy but lots of fun. Some of us planted our bombs in school and some of us have taken them home 🏠.

After that we had some time to play in the outdoor classroom before doing some mindfulness activities in class.

We are all very excited about what activities we will do tomorrow and Sports Day 🤩

Health week day 1 Primary 1S

In Primary 1S we got of to a flying start in health week.

Firstly we walked up to the community garden to explore and complete a colour treasure hunt. For some of us it was our first time at the community garden. We enjoyed walking around finding different colours in the garden.

Next we enjoyed a Judo taster session where we got to try out some moves with a partner. This was lots of fun!

After this we had a special guest join us to talk about football, ⚽️ she is not only a football player but a qualified referee. We got to ask lots of questions about football.

Last but not least we made smoothies on the smoothie bike 🚲. We got to choose what fruit we wanted in our smoothies and what flavour of fruit 🍇 🍈 🍎 🍌 🍐 🍍 juice to mix our fruit up with. It was hard work but lots of fun 🤩

We are looking forward to another busy day tomorrow 😀

Primary 1S

A lovely 🥰 week in Primary 1S.

On Wednesday we enjoyed practicing for sports day during PE. We learned different types of races and we are really looking forward to Heath Week next week and Sports Day on Wednesday.

On Thursday we attended mass in the school to celebrate the Assention. We were all very respectful and joined in when we could.

We also had our Buddy time on Thursday, this week we all had a focus on Goldilocks and the three bears 🐻 🐻🐻. Our buddies helped us complete a story sequence and we made porridge 🥣 together. Some of us had not tried porridge 🥣 before. We had to follow the instructions carefully. And we tried different toppings on our porridge. Some of us did not like it and we talked about how that was okay, we don’t all have to like the same things.

The Friendly Dragon paid us another visit this week and left us lots of cardboard to build a castle. We got busy on with that  job on Friday, cutting, sticking and painting. We talked about what we wanted in out castle.

Primary 1S

Another fun learning week in Primary 1S.

At the start of the week most of us completed our class talks. We heard some great facts about different animals. We spoke very clearly and when we were listener’s we were very respectful to the person speaking.

The dragon 🐉 paid us another visit this week! This time he left us lots of lovey Fairytale books to read and a soft toy dragon to look after. He asked us to create a nice space in our classroom to read our books, we all worked together to do this.

On Wednesday we took a nice walk 🚶 🚶‍♀️ to the park. It was nice and dry and we enjoyed playing on all the equipment. We listened to the instructions well and stayed safe walking on the path.

As it is the beginning of May we have learned that May is an important month for Mary, we are learning a new prayer and we have made flowers for Mary.





On Friday we enjoyed some time with Primary 1M and we walked up to the nursery to visit our nursery friends, we had lots of fun!

Have a lovely weekend.


Primary 1S

What an exciting week in Primary 1, we have had special visitors this week, Biscuit and Muffin, the guinea pigs from the nursery. Some of our friends from nursery brought the guinea pigs over and we go to play together.

We got to look after Biscuit and Muffin all week, we had to make their breakfast, make sure they have hay  and clean water. We enjoyed cuddles with them.


We enjoyed showing our friends our classroom.

On Tuesday we received a letter from a magic dragon from Fairytale land, he asked us to help save Fairyland by reading fairytale stories, he also asked us to make  fairyland corner in our class. We have started by making a giant beanstalk! Our Primary 7 buddies read us stories and we made Jack and  a giant together for our beanstalk.

This week we also enjoyed sometime outdoors in the school garden and the trim trail. In the garden we did some weeding and planted some flower seeds and we also watered the plants that we planted last time.

On Friday we walked up to the nursery to take Biscuit and Muffin home. We were very careful taking all there things back. We enjoyed playing with our friends in the nursery.

Have a lovely weekend.

Primary 1S

What a good first week back in school for Primary 1S. We have all enjoyed being back in school seeing our friends and getting time to play together.

In class we checked on out potatoes 🥔 that were hiding in our trays, they had grown roots! During our outdoor learning we planted our potatoes 🥔 in the soil. We will check on then every week to see how they grow.

We have enjoyed some time in the outdoor classroom, making tracks, building towers and playing in the mud kitchen.


In maths we have been learning positional language, 1st 🥇 2nd 🥈 3rd 🥉…. all the way up to 10. We had some races, with toy cars 🚗 and running 🏃 Lots of fun was had doing this.

During the week our buddies came down to spend some reading 📖 and playing sumdog. We really enjoy spending time with our buddies.

Primary 1S last week before 🐣 Easter

Primary 1S has had a very busy week.
On Monday we enjoyed our school cake and candy. We all did very well making sure we kept our money safe and paid for the cakes we wanted. For some of us it was hard to choose what we wanted to buy as there was a lot of choice!

We also did some Easter craft activities and enjoyed learning about the Bible story of Easter.

As we are coming into spring time on Tuesday we spent some time in our school garden. We decided as a class that we wanted to try and grow something we could eat. In the garden we have planted Gooseberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Blackcurrants and Blueberries 🫐. We had to prepare the planters by taking out all the weeds and putting plant food into the soil before planting our trees.

On Tuesday we also experienced our first school fun fair. We played lots of fun games.


On Wednesday we played Bingo! We worked with our Primary 7 buddies who helped us keep track of our numbers. We had lots of fun, even though we had to concentrate. Our class were lucky 🍀 to have two winners.

Our school also took part in a gymnastics 🤸 competition on Wednesday and we are all very proud of the gymnasts from our class that took part.

On Thursday we painted real boiled 🥚 eggs. Some of us have decided to take them home but some of us enjoyed tasting them.

And last but not least we got to watch and take part in our school talent show 🎤, St Mary’s Got Talent 2024. Our Dance Monkeys did the class proud.

Have a lovey Easter 🐣 Break.



Primary 1S

What a busy week we have had in primary 1S.

On Tuesday we enjoyed making bird feeders with our Primary 7 buddies.  We used lots of skills mixing all the ingredients together to make them and then enjoyed walking up to the woods to put them out for the birds. Spending time with our buddies is always lots of fun.

As it was St Patrick’s day ☘️ on the 17th we learned all about his life and made lovely shamrock sun catchers. We used cutting and sticking skills.

Spring is in the air, Primary 1S have been talking about how flowers are starting to grow outside. We talked about how plants grow and what they need to grow.  In class everyone planted strawberry seeds to grow. We are going to look after them in class until they are big enough to go outside.

Fingers crossed that we manage to grow big strawberries 🍓.

Continue reading Primary 1S

Primary 1 Cooking 🧑‍🍳 Club

Sweet week! This week we made a sweet treat, chocolate croissant 🥐.

We talked about he shape our pastry had to be cut into to made the croissant shape and all focused really well to make sure we rolled our croissants correctly.
They smelled delicious when they were cooking, and we all got to take the two we made home 🏠. We were so focused this week and keen to get them made we didn’t get as many photos 🤭