St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

June 16, 2023
by Maria Brown

P2B Week Beginning 12th June

Hello P2B families!

Here are our highlights from the Red table:

Amy liked hearing the story of ‘Moses and the Burning Bush’.

Emily-Ann really enjoyed playing in our new restaurant role-play.  The children worked hard on Monday to set up our role-play area.  The majority vote was a restaurant and again the majority voted for the name ‘Mama Mia’.  They worked in groups to design the shop sign and menu.  They decided what drinks, food and dessert would be served and how much it would cost.  We looked at examples of a menu to get ideas on layout and prices.

Reesa loved when we launched rockets that we made outside as part of our learning about Space.  Hers came 3rd place within her group.

Aaron said the best part of his week was PE where they played parachute games!

Isabella enjoyed outdoor learning.

Georgia-Rose liked learning about the artist, Van Gogh.  Mrs Devlin showed the children 12 paintings from her Van Gogh calendar.  They voted for their favourite ones to make up our classroom Van Gogh gallery.  During Choosing Time, the children were welcome to try and copy one of the paintings but next week we are going to learn how to sketch then paint the famous bedroom painting.

Mrs Devlin’s favourite part of the week was a lovely relaxing massage I received from Maya who built her own massage table today in the block play area.  Thank you Maya!  It was just what I needed.

Congratulations to Isabella  our Hot Chocolate award winner for this week and to Georgia-Rose, our Reading Champion.

June 16, 2023
by Mrs Brown

P4b weekly blog post 16/06/23

On Monday, we went on a school trip.  We went to Muiravonside Country Park and it was so much fun!  We went on a bus and we were split into three groups.  Group 1 went pond dipping first, Group 2 went bug hunting first, and Group 3 went on a walk first.  Then, we swapped activities over the course of the day.  The walk was fun and we saw animals, we heard birds and the river, and we could smell the flowers.  We could also feel the hot air, which made us very sweaty!



Last week, Mrs Brown told us that her mum had mailed a package of bee things to show us.  We were so excited and today we got to see them.  We saw the glue the bees make (propolis), four bees (one drone and three worker bees), and two queen cells.  We also saw beeswax made into comb with a squashed bee on it (we didn’t like this part).

In maths, we looked at 2D and 3D shapes, co-ordinates and angles.  We went outside and in groups of three, we used string to make different angles.  We used chalk to draw the angle on the ground and then we identified them as right angles, acute angles or obtuse angles.  We also did a different task outside, where we had to follow Mrs Brown’s directions (using compass directions, turns and angles).  It was like a treasure hunt (but with no treasure L) and we went to different locations by following her directions.  We ended up outside P4a’s classroom- maybe they were the treasure?

In writing, we planned a recount about our trip and then we wrote it up.  We had to include powerful verbs, past tense, conjunctions, an introduction, a conclusion and write our events in time order.


Millie: I enjoyed learning about bees because we all got to see the bee things that Mrs Brown’s mum sent.

Ashley: I enjoyed the school trip because I liked the activities especially pond dipping.

Matteo: When I heard I was going on a school trip to Muiravonside Country park, I was determined to do different fun activities and the ones we did were very active and I loved seeing the different types of nature as well as the insects’ and animals’ lives.

Jude: I enjoyed the school trip because I liked doing pond dipping because it was the first time I had ever done it and it was cool.  My highlight was lunch because we got to play at the park and my least favourite thing was the bus ride back because we had to go back to school and it was roasting.

Well done to Mariam, our hot chocolate winner.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Brown

June 16, 2023
by Miss MacGregor

P6B Friday 16th June

Hi everyone,

Another busy week for us!

We started off the week with some multiplication and division recap, then applied these to different word problems collaboratively.

In Literacy, we have been consolidating our critical skills by exploring different adverts and discussing what could be missing by asking questions. We then created our own adverts for the brands but whilst ensuring they were more inclusive and had more focus on the product being sold.

Our class highlight was voting in the class awards. We came up with the different categories for the end of year awards. The votes have been counted and we will find out on Monday who won what!

Well done to Sophia who won our class talent show. She beautifully played the keyboard. She will now go through to the P6/7 area auditions with the chance to go to the final in the last week.

Marcus won the hot chocolate this week, well done!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss MacGregor

June 16, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary One Fairyland Showcase

Thank you to everyone who came to our Fairyland Showcase this morning. We had lots of fun doing all the activities with our helpers. Mrs Russell and Miss Stebbing were so proud of us and we got a treat for being Awesome Ogilvies.

June 16, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5B Weekly Blog 16th June 2023

Another busy week exploring our rights. This week we started discussing refugees. What is a refugee, why do people leave their homes/countries to move somewhere else. We explored, Article 10 (family reunification) Governments must respond quickly and sympathetically if a child or their parents apply to live together in the same country. If a child’s parents live apart in different countries, the child has the right to visit and keep in contact with both of them. We also investigated, Article 22 (refugee children) If a child is seeking refuge or has refugee status, governments must provide them with appropriate protection and assistance to help them enjoy all the rights in the Convention. Governments must help refugee children who are separated from their parents to be reunited with them. Both of these childrens rights link with Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions which states thatRefugees and displaced persons are in need of protection and access to basic human rights. The root causes of displacement are human rights violations, risk of persecution, conflict, poor governance and loss of livelihoods. We discussed the types of things they would have to quickly pack to carry if they became a refugee.

On Tuesday we watered, weeded and tidied up the gardens and the trees that we planted earlier in P5. Our trees are beginning to look lovely like little trees instead of twigs in the ground. Hopefully they will continue to grow well.

On Wednesday we gathered data on our tally chart which we used to draw bar graphs. We also dug out our lovely potatoes. Unfortunately our carrots need a little more growing time.


In RE  we have been learning about Prophets (messengers from God)

Thursday was an amazing day we cooked the potatoes we grew in the fire pit. They tasted delicious. We also had yummy marshmallows and hot chocolate. We sung some songs and had fun toasting our marshmallows. We then played in the woods, climbing tree, making animal shelters and fairy homes. Later on we started sketching nature around us. In the afternoon it was back to work watering, planting and weeding the gardens at the front of the school. One of the best days in Primary 5 most of the children agreed. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

June 9, 2023
by Maria Brown

P2B Week Beginning 5th June 2023

Hello P2B families!

Here are our highlights from the Green and Blue Tables:

Eli loved meeting his new teacher on Thursday.   The children were delighted to find out that Mr Pentland will be their new teacher next year.  Eli said they played Musical Statues and it was definitely the best part of his week!

Sofia said the best part of her week was writing a letter to her new teacher.  The children wrote about how the were feeling, 2 things about themselves and 2 questions.  Mr Pentland really loved reading the letters.  He was so impressed with the standard of writing!

Ishaan enjoyed showing the class a photo on Seesaw of a treasure chest he made at home.  The children gave him lots of ideas for what he could store inside.  Some ideas ranged from ‘secret things’ to ‘shells’.  Thank you P2 for helping Ishaan come up with ideas!

Olivia liked making her summer picture called ‘flip flops’.  The flip flops were 3D to look like they were walking on the beach.  The all looked FAB!

Maja continued to enjoy using the app, Incredibox, with Mrs Morrison, to make music.

Blair liked when we used play resources from the outdoor classroom on Tuesday.  He liked seeing how far the chalk line could be drawn.

Theo loved Nija Tig at PE this week.

Mrs Devlin’s favourite part of the week was reading the very special letters the children wrote to Mr Pentland.  Feelings about next year range from shy and scared to very excited!  The children will have an opportunity to visit their new classroom before we finish up and have a try sitting in the big P3 seats.  Any questions they have will be answered and we hope the children will leave P2 feeling secure in the knowledge of what is ahead of them.

Congratulations to Emily-Ann, our Hot Chocolate award winner for this week.

We say goodbye to Eli today, as he moves to a new school.  We will miss him and know he will settle well into his new school and make lots of new friends.  We won’t forget you Eli and you will always remain part of our St John Ogilvie family.

June 9, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1A Learning Highlights 9th June 2023

This week the Dragon left us activities for Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We made special Baby Bear headbands and we had to cut out the pieces ourselves. We designed a new bowl for Baby Bear to have for his porridge. On Wednesday, the dragon left us all the ingredients to make porridge. We made it with water and some with milk. Our favourite one was the milk porridge.

In maths, we cut out porridge bowls and put them in order from the smallest to the biggest. We nearly ran out of room on our sheet of paper! We have also been practising our division and subtraction skills.

We have been practising for our assembly and we can’t wait to show everyone on Friday 16th June at our Fairyland Showcase.

On Thursday, we met our new teachers for Primary 2 and it was very exciting! We also met in our House Groups to listen to the P6 pupils making their speeches to become House Captains. We got to vote on the person that we thought would be the best House Captain.


Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Tiya – I liked looking at all the work in my castle book.

Aarav – I enjoyed playing in the ice cream shop.

Connor – I enjoyed making the porridge.

Vedansh – I enjoyed making the masks at the House Groups.

Alexander – I enjoyed playing outside.

Vasilisa – I enjoyed playing with all my friends.


Well done to Kacper who is this week’s Hot Chocolate winner.




June 9, 2023
by Miss Ventisei

P5A weekly update 9th June 2023

Hi everyone,

Callie and Max here!

This week in P5A we have been learning more about algebra. We have developed lots more skills and we have found that algebra has been really fun!

Here are P5A’s favourite parts of the week:

Vijval: I liked doing maths outside on Monday. We were using our knowledge of seconds and minutes to help us.

Bentley: I liked doing the house groups on Thursday because we decorated masks for a competition.

Ayden: I liked P.E. on Friday because we played the weakest gazelle!

Emili: I also liked P.E. on Friday because I got 2 flags over the line and my team won 5 out of 6 rounds!

Jacob: I liked R.E. this week. We were learning about prophets and the characteristics and qualities of a prophet.

Emily and Callie: I liked meeting my new teacher this week! We were so excited to see Miss MacGregor and we can’t wait to have her next year!  Some of us even had a sneaky visit to our new classroom and we are just so excited to be in P6!

Eilidh: I liked doing science outside on Wednesday! We were learning all about the nervous system and created our own life-size human body, with a brain, spinal chord and nerves (these all make up the nervous system).

Miss Ventisei: I loved planting during outdoor learning this week! We are *very nearly* finished planting all of the plants we received. We have all worked so, so hard to keep the plants alive and well!

This week our Hot Chocolate winner was Carina. She was spotted helping around the classroom lots and was very kind and caring towards younger pupils during our House Group time.

Thank you for another great week P5A! Enjoy the sunshine this weekend, but stay safe!



June 9, 2023
by Mrs Brown

P4b weekly blog post 09.06.23

We’ve had another fun week learning about bees.  We learnt about the importance of pollination and how the process works.  We enjoyed making pipe-cleaner bees and making them fly from flower to flower, and seeing how different colour powder paints were transferred between each of them.

We finished capacity and moved on to angles in maths.  We learnt about right-angles, obtuse and acute angles, as well as the different points on the compass.  We linked our understanding to clocks, thinking about clockwise and anti-clockwise.

In Spanish, we learnt about La Familia.  We were very good at remembering all of the different vocabulary, including whether they were male or female.

Here are some of our highlights:

Layla: I enjoyed making the little bees and dipping them in the flowers.

Matteo: I enjoyed learning about angles (right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles).

Dhanvi: I enjoyed the pollination lesson because it was so fun.

Feranmi: I enjoyed voting in our houses and also enjoyed making the masks.

Well done to Ishani, our hot chocolate winner this week.

We’re all looking forward to our trip on Monday.  Please remember to wear your school jumper, and to bring a packed lunch, drink and snack.  It is forecast to be warm, so please also bring sun cream and a sunhat.  An extra bottle might also be a good option!  There is also the chance of rain, so a light anorak that can be stored in a backpack when not in use would be great too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Brown

June 9, 2023
by Mrs Ross

P4a 9th June 2023

It has been a very busy week in P4a. Miss Kelly has been teaching us about poetry and we started writing a poem about Summer. We also talked about using money and coins. Miss Kelly gave us things to sell and coins to try to buy things. Mrs Ross was the bank manager of the Bank of P4.

We are learning about bees and how they are important to us. In the woodlands we pretended to be little bees and visited paper flowers for pollen. It helped us see how the pollen moves from one plant to another. We were pollinators.

The children who have made their First Holy Communion have been practising their prayers for the Thanksgiving Mass on Sunday.

It is also very exciting because we are going on our trip on Monday.

Mrs Ross wants us to remember to wear our school jumper if we can and bring a raincoat and a hat. We also need to remember to bring a packed lunch!

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