St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

December 22, 2023
by Mrs Meikle

This week in P2/1

What a great week we have had in P2/1.

We have completed lots of lovely Christmas crafts this week and P1 made our buddies a special Christmas card which we delivered today. Ellie has really enjoyed drawing pictures this week and when her friend brought in some chocolates for us all to share.

On Wednesday P2 enjoyed a fun filled party. They enjoyed dancing and playing games. Well done to Katie who won the game Corners. Connor liked playing the game corners.

On Thursday it was P1’s time to party. We had a special visit from Santa, individual photos of this have been posted on Seesaw. Leighton really enjoyed the games we played, well done to Willow who won the corners game.

We wish all our SJO families a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing everyone again in 2024.

December 22, 2023
by Mrs McKissack

P6/7 Toilet Update

Our P6/7 toilets are now completed and will be officially handed over to West Lothian Council today (we won’t be cutting a ribbon…even though we are celebrating this upgrade).  Thank you again to the Parent Council for their relentless campaign to improve the facilities for all of our children.  The P4/5 and Accessible toilet upgrade will begin after the Christmas break.  We have attached some photos for you to be able to see the new toilet facilities. 

December 20, 2023
by Mrs McKissack

Brass Performance

These two P7s (who also happen to be the Captain and Vice-Captain of St Columba House) took time today to spread joy and happiness when they played Christmas classics on their cornets.  They performed for all of P1 and also our ELC children who were a very grateful audience.  We are so proud of them for their confidence in sharing their talents with others.

December 20, 2023
by Mrs McKissack

Christmas Door Winners Announced….

With more than 400 votes cast and after a very close contest, we are delighted to announce that the winners of our Christmas Door Competition 2023 are P2 with Mrs Brand and Mrs Craig.  They were delighted to find out the news and had a Hot Chocolate Party as a reward.  The staff winner was Mrs Callaghan.  Thank you to everyone who voted.

December 17, 2023
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 11.12.23

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all very well and super proud of your children who have been absolutely amazing in their Enterprise Showcase Assembly. They have shown beautiful and confident singing and acting which made the whole staff who have helped them to prepare for it very proud as well. The products sold were just fantastic and we could see parents, carers and families holding many things they had bought because they were all so lovely that they just couldn’t resist many of them!😄😍🎁

As you will understand, the highlights of the week were all linked to their performance:

  • Practising their songs.
  • Practising their speaking parts with and without microphone.
  • Practising playing the recorders.
  • Working hard on their products to have them finished and dazzling in time for you all to come, admire and buy them!💴💰
  • Practising again how to give change from a given amount – Mrs Valente was really proud because all stalls managed to independently sell their products without any need for help! Super Maths skills! Here are just some pictures of the many beautiful products while they were being made, and others right before they had been put on sale last Friday:

After our amazing Enterprise, it was time to attend our Middle Area Advent Service to celebrate the 3rd week of Advent by lighting the 3rd candle of our Advent wreath. This pink candle, the only one which is pink, symbolizes Joy. May the Joy brought to our hearts by the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ fill our hearts and may the Little Holy Baby heal all the ones who need it.

P5A and Mrs Valente✨😘

December 16, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 11th December

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue and Red table:

Alicaj enjoyed music with Mrs Morrison.

Rory liked it when he wrote a letter to Santa.  Look out for a photo of your child’s super letter on Seesaw over the weekend.

Ethan enjoyed making a paper chain to decorate the classroom with.

Ollie loved the song Mrs McKissack taught us about peace.  The children who are making their Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday will sing it for their families.

Grace liked finishing off the Rudolf pictures we made.  The children will take these home this coming week.

Jiade liked dancing to The Grand Old Duke of York.  Next week will be the final time we dance this Scottish country dance at our party on Wednesday.

Caiden said the best part of this week was Number Talks.  Each day the children had to estimate how many items where in a cup and use clues to find the answer.  They worked with a partner to do this.

Deveena liked designing a Santa suit.  Some of the ideas that the children came up with were very inventive!  We had a heat sensor were Santa could change the temperature if he was too hot or too cold depending on the climate he visited and another super feature was a button that would automatically produce cookies and milk to keep his energy levels up!

Tadiwa said the best part of his week was playing football with Miss White.

Jack liked playing with the football box.  It is filled with lots of football facts.

Tvisha enjoyed dressing up in her crazy clothes!

My highlight was the Nativity performance that a group wanted to put on for the class.  The director, Aadya, worked with the children to make their own props and script their words.  They did a super job at retelling the greatest story ever told!


Congratulations to Linda, our hot chocolate award winner this week!



Mrs Brown

December 15, 2023
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Weekly Learning Highlights 15th December

What a super busy week we have had in P2/1.

This week we have been revising all our sounds and common words.  P1 played Christmas CVC games to help us with our blending and read words.  P2 played dice games revising magic e.

We read the story Sneezy the Snowman.  We played roll a snowman, and made our own snowman pictures.  We posted these on Seesaw and recorded our voices.  We also made snowman biscuits and P2 wrote about how they could help Sneezy.

We made placemats and party hats for our parties next week.

For Maths we played some Topmarks Christmas games.  A real favourite was the Christmas jigsaws.

We have started to make some Christmas decorations, we made a reindeer craft and reindeer bags and P1 made Christmas cards for their buddies.  We also designed our own Christmas Jumper.

P1 had their dress rehearsal on Tuesday and we had our two performances four our Nativity this week.  Everyone was so proud of us and said how amazing we were at singing all the songs.

Today was ‘Crazy Day’ everyone was very excited to come to school dressed a little crazy.


Weekly Learning Highlights:

Ahmed ‘I enjoyed writing’

Connor ‘ I liked playing with the Lego’

Martyna ‘I liked making the reindeer bag’

Ellie ‘I liked making my buddy card’

Rose ‘I liked making the snowman biscuit’

Rhain ‘I liked that I was the winning table’

Alexander ‘I liked making the reindeer crafts’

Katie ‘I liked helping at tidy up time’

Mrs Russesll ‘I loved watching the P1 Nativity everyone was amazing and I was so proud of you all, I also loved Crazy Day’

Well done to JJ our Hot Chocolate winner this week.

Congratulations to the  Green  table our wining table this week.

Well done to Hameedah our Reading Champion


December 15, 2023
by Mrs Miller

Primary 5B Weekly Blog 15th December 2023

This has been such a quick week. This week we celebrated Human Right’s Day which was on the 10th of December. We discussed the different rights everyone has and why it is important to treat everyone with the same respect we want to be treated with. Article 4 (implementation of the Convention) Governments must do all they can to make sure every child can enjoy their rights by creating systems and passing laws that promote and protect children’s rights. Article 41 (respect for higher national standards)  If a country has laws and standards that go further than the present Convention, then the country must keep these laws.

We completed our spelling, grammar activities, group reading books and wrote an imaginative story during our literacy lessons. We continued to work on understanding money. (Hopefully everyone got the right change at our Enterprise Show.)

In Science we looked at the water cycle and made rain monitors which we placed around school grounds and we will record the amount of rainfall over the period of a week.

But a lot of this week was focussed on rehearsals for our wonderful Enterprise Show. We enjoyed singing Christmas songs and performing ‘Jingle Bells’ with our recorders. We were so proud to see all of our families come to see our performances and buy our amazing Christmas products.

Thank you all so much for contributing to the amazing amount raised £542. We are donating some money to Mary’s Meals and some of the money will go towards equipment for our Outdoor Learning.





Thank You for all your superb support. Have a great weekend everyone.

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