St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

October 29, 2023
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Learning Highlights 27th October 2023

This week Ogilvie Bear came back from travelling around the world we were very excited to have him back in our class.  We started our new topic Autumn.  We learned about the changing seasons and how and why the leaves fall off the trees.  We listened to the story   and we read ‘Leaf Man’ we saw lots of amazing illustrations using leaves.   We went outside and collected some leave of our own and made amazing.

In Numeracy we started looking at addition within 5 and 20.  We are getting faster at calling out our number bonds to 5, 10 and 20.

In Literacy we have been working hard on our talking and listening skills and sharing our opinions and ideas with others.  We are working hard on learning our new sounds t and n and  ai, ay and a_e and also learning our common words.

This week we made a poster against Racism and discussed how we are all equal and special.  We also discussed the importance of keeping our school tidy and rubbish free.  We designed posters and created our own slogans.


Highlights from this week:

Rhain ‘I enjoyed playing with the Dinosaurs’

Martyna ‘I loved making the leaf pictures’

Edward ‘I played with the craft material’

Bradley ‘I liked making things with the lego’

Mrs Russell ‘I loved your wonderful art work with leaves’


Well done to Leighton the winner of Hot Chocolate this week.

Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week for lots of fun and learning.

October 28, 2023
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 20.10.23

Dear Readers,

We hope you have had a good week.

In Primary 5, we always have very busy and interesting weeks and these were the highlights of this last week:

  • Our poetry writing, which was  very creative and funny!
  • Using the protractors and learning how to measure different angles. This has been so much fun that some of us just wanted to do it more and more! We have started by using chalk to measure the angles on our tables and then, when we felt more confident, we started measuring them on paper. 😀

  • Our Climate Smarter project has taken us to the very exciting field of electricity and we have had the opportunity to do a classroom audit of the energy we spent during a normal day and also worked out the electricity spent in our classroom during a whole year and how much is costs. It was very good because it made us all even more aware of all the things we can do to save energy. For example, now we always try to remember to turn off the smartboard during break and lunch time.📉😊 Our other lesson on electricity was absolutely amazing because we got our own kits to make an electric circuit and make a little light bulb or buzzer work! We were all successful and managed to do it without any help, just by thinking of what we have learned about conductors and energy sources! It was great!💡


  • Learning about the history of the Angelus prayer, saying it with our prayer partners and understanding its meaning.⛪
  • The hockey tournament at Deans High School, where both P5 classes got to do their best! We have also been told that there are many available spaces for us in the Hockey after school club at Deans, in case we wished to join.🏑🏑🏑🏑🏑🏑🏑

  • We have all enjoyed our football taster session with coach Steve who said we had been really good! ⚽🏆🎉
  • The beginning of our Rights Respecting Schools poster competition to advertise our anti littering campaign, not only in the school but also in important places of our community.♥
  • That is all for now, we say goodbye wishing everyone a lovely weekend!

Mrs Valente and P5A😘


October 27, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 23rd October

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Red table:

Grace enjoyed singing along to a song we heard for a warm up in Maths.  It was about number bonds to ten.  The children learned that if they know their number bonds to ten off by heart, that this can help them with larger sums.  Look out for how we use our number bonds this way in next week’s maths homework.

Caiden loved making Halloween cakes with Miss White.

Hafsah said the best part of her week was playing number bingo in Spanish with Mrs Broadley.  The children learn numbers to 50 in Primary Three.

Jiade absolutely loved football this week.  We had some football coaches come in and deliver football skills to the children.  They all had so much fun!

Tadwia liked when we examined some pumpkins for Halloween.  He was surprised at how heavy they were and remembered that they were called as sphere.

Tvisha enjoyed listening to our new Wood Boost story, ‘Wolf’.  Her favourite vocabulary was ‘racket’.

Jack said the highlight of his week was drawing characters from the Number Bonds song for our maths display.  He drew 3 and 7.

Deveena liked our RE lesson about belonging.  We learned that we belong to our family, school and the church.  We explored what it means to belong to each.

My highlight was our lesson on how cars have changed over the years and compared the features.  We talked about what we think cars in the future might have.  Mrs Brown hoped that they have a built in coffee machine!  The children had some super ideas!  This was part of our learning about inventions.

Congratulations to Chahiti, our hot chocolate award winner this week!


Mrs Brown

October 27, 2023
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 27/10/23

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 4 have been continuing to perform poems in groups during our Literacy lessons.  This week we have been learning  another poem called ” The Bully.”

We discussed the language used and offered constructive feedback on each others performances.

We have been learning about column addition in Numeracy and some of us challenged ourselves with four digit numbers. We have also been developing our ability to skip count in 6’s and it is quite tricky!

Our class created our own imaginary castles in the style of Paul Klee. We are all excited to start out new ” Magic Castle” topic next week!

Primary 4 enjoyed finding new Wordboost words in our class novel. We discussed their meanings and how to use them correctly in sentences.

The NYCOS session was enjoyable and we learned more rhymes using different rhythms and beats. We used the parachute in our classroom!

Congratulations to Kyle, who was our Hot Chocolate winner this week.

Mrs Lea and Primary 4.



October 27, 2023
by Mr Pentland

P3B Update

Hello families!

We have had a fang-tastic week!

The children have told me they LOVED:

Doing ‘draw a rhyme’ – creating a monster from a poem!

Creating our own very scary monsters and naming it using alliteration! These are great!

The children enjoyed adding this week! We have been using ten frames and number lines to help us with this!

Many of the children have been choosing to create their own spaces during our choice your learning sessions. These are great! Some even have cup holders and shelves! Very innovative!

We learned this week about the history of cars and compared the first car with a modern car! We discussed luxury and safety features! We will be learning this term about such inventions and then looking at how things work. The children have been helping plan this learning.


Well done Evana for the hot chocolate at home! You have had a great week!  You were a successful learner, confident individual and effective contributor when we were working on acrostic poems!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr Pentland


photo highlights

October 27, 2023
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Here’s an update from this week in P7A by Olivier and Emmanuel:

On Monday, we did JUDO, we got to flip people and do our favourites animal walk.

On Tuesday, we started planning our poems.

On Wednesday, we did our poems, Emmanuel and I made them about Halloween.

On Thursday, We started reading chapter 5-6 on our new ‘Millions’ book that we started reading. We also did some engineering, building 3D Shapes.

On Friday, we collected sticks for fire building and we had our decades assembly for parents.

Josh: I have been a confident individual because I was confident in the Scotland through the Decades show.

Natalia: I was an effective  contributor in our Decades assembly

Cordelia: I was a responsible citizen when I picked up litter in the Woodlands.   

Grant was the Over and Above winner this week.


Have a great weekend!




October 27, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5B Weekly Blog 27th October 2023

This week as part of our learning through rights we discussed how to protect the local environment. We took part in a whole school anti-litter poster competition. We were excited to share our ideas and opinions.

Article 12 – respect for the views of the child Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.

Article 13 –  Every child must be free to express their thoughts and opinions and to access all kinds of information, as long as it’s it is within the law.

Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health. Governments must provide good quality healthcare, clean water, nutritious food, and a clean environment and education on health and well-being so that children can stay healthy. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.

Climate Smarter (Science) – This week we found out more about Solar Energy and next week we will be carrying out experiments using small solar panels.

All four Enterprise Groups have planned, designed and located the resources to start creating their first product on Monday.  Today during outdoor learning we collected a lot of twigs as it is a key part of some of the products being created.

We wrote Halloween themed sense poems

In Math we have been using coins and notes to show our understanding of money and showing the correct change. This will be a very important skill to have when selling their products during the Enterprise Sale.  Also in Math we are continusing to learn how to use protractors more accurately to measure angles.

Today both P5 classes attended the Hockey Festival at Deans High School. It was cold and rainy but everyone had fun. A few children said ‘scoring’ was the best part, others said it was when ‘their team won’ But Ashley said just playing with everyone was her best part.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend.





October 27, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 27th October 2023

Ogilvie Bear has returned to our classroom after his adventures around the world. He brought us lots of postcards which we had fun looking at and discussing all the different things we could see in the pictures. We have now started our new topic all about Space. We learned about the Earth orbiting the sun and how we get day and night.

In Literacy, we have been learning the ‘t’ and ‘n’ sounds. We have been practising writing these letters correctly and also building words with the sounds we have learned so far. We loved watching Alphablocks to see letter ‘n’, he kept saying, ‘No!’ which made us all laugh. We have also been practising the sounds from the vowel house story and we are getting very confident with this. In writing, we wrote a sentence about the pumpkins that Miss Stebbing brought in. We did really well trying to use the sounds we could hear.

In maths, we used the pumpkins to do lots of measuring tasks. We ordered them from the smallest to the biggest and then we measured them using blocks and linking chains.  We have also been decorating them using the whiteboard pens and we wrote letters and words too.

In RE, we read the story of Abraham and Sarah. We then talked about how special our families are and drew a picture of our families in a love heart shape.

We had our first Outdoor Learning session in the Woodland and we learned all about the rules for the fire pit area. We then had some Choosing Our Own Learning time to explore the Woodland. We found lots of exciting things!

On Monday, we spotted a Fire Engine parked outside the school gates as the fire officers were in school to see the P6 and P7 pupils. We went out to have a look at the fire engine and one of the fire officers put on the lights and the siren for us. It was very exciting!

On Wednesday, we had a special PE session with the football coaches. We listened so well to the instructions and enjoyed playing the games during the warm up. We did very well scoring goals into the nets!

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Lewis – I enjoyed playing with the marbles.

Maksymilian – I enjoyed playing with the trains.

Peyton – I enjoyed playing with the marble run.

Tyler T – I enjoyed sitting on the logs at Outdoor Learning.

Maja – I enjoyed playing in the water.

Joseph – I enjoyed playing with the mini cubes.

Leah – I enjoyed playing outside in the Woodland.

Miss Stebbing – I enjoyed watching everyone making potions in our potion area. I had to try some of the potions and I was turned into a frog!

Well done to Peyton who is this week’s Hot Chocolate winner.


October 22, 2023
by Miss Duddy

P4b learning highlights 20th October 2023

This week was a fun one for primary 4. In numeracy, we continued on with using compensation for an addition strategy when adding 11 and 21. The children have been working hard on it and grasping the idea well.

We had a look at our rights this week which we linked with black history month. Our focus was on articles 2 and 30 and we made some lovely black history month awareness posters. It Primary 4s turn to decorate the RRSA wall in the hall this month so these will be contributing to that.

In PE we have been focussing on basketball, on Tuesday our main focus was passing and we had a competition to see who had the best bounce pass. On Thursday we had a go at shooting the basketball and a few of the class had excellent aim – we even got some baskets. We then did a drill where we combined all of the passing, dribbling and shooting skills we have been working on.

For our topic we finished up Scottish inventors with looking at Charles Rennie Mackintosh and exploring his many achievements. We had split opinions on whether we liked his work or not in the class however a lot of the class enjoyed looking at his artwork and admired his architecture.

We learned how to use PowerPoint in our Technology this week and wrote a presentation ‘all about me’.

Our RE focus this week was Gods presence and love and how we know God is around us. We read the book ‘Shhh… God is in the silence’ and it talked about how God is always with us and showing his love for us.

Jayden’s favourite part of the week this week was today when he got to sit with Flynn as his reward for being the secret student last week. He had lots of fun and loves talking to his friends.

Anthony’s favourite part of the week this week was learning about adding 11 and 21 in maths. he enjoys maths and thought the challenge was good.

Aaeryn-Leigh’s favourite part of the week this week was learning about Charles Rennie Mackintosh and looking at pictures of his artwork.

Daniel’s favourite part of the week this week was playing basketball – in particular he enjoyed practising shooting.

Well done to our hot chocolate winner Ella and our secret student of the week Kacper !


Have a lovely weekend 🙂

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