St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

November 4, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 30th October

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Yellow table:

Vivien loved the performance of Aladdin.  Mrs Carlye and Mrs Patterson joined in too!  Thank you PFA for this special treat!

Laura said the best part of our week was playing ‘Mummy Race’ with toilet rolls.  Children had to work together to dress the ‘mummy’ from toe to head.  Laura’s table won!

Diana loved pumpkin carving!  The class designed a pumpkin to give our carvers some ideas.  The children were invited to feel the slimy seeds and filling afterwards.

Riley liked playing Halloween Hat Toss!  The children had 6 hoops and had to aim and toss them to go around a witch’s hat.  It was good fun!

Olivia loved playing ‘Halloween Corners’ and was our class winner!  She won a funky Halloween beaker.

Angel enjoyed revisiting our lesson of designing a car of the future.  His had 13 wheels to go fast, had robot to drive it while you have a bath, it was made of glass, it flew and lots of buttons!  Sounds amazing Angel!

Aadya said she enjoyed our House Group activity on Friday.  The House Captains led the lesson which was all about our school values.  They did very well!

Linda loved our literacy lesson about onomatopoeia and got to use bright chalk pens to make a firework poem for our literacy wall.

My highlight was our Halloween Fun!  The children all looked so great dressed up and enjoyed all the fun activities planned.

Congratulations to Vivien, our hot chocolate award winner this week!



Mrs Brown


November 4, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 3rd November 2023

This week we have been learning the sounds ‘i’, ‘k’ and ‘ck. We have been making words with these sounds and trying to write them correctly. We have been reading ‘Goat and Donkey and the Noise Downstairs’ for our Wordboost story this week.  We learned some new Boost Words and we have been trying to listen for them in the story.

In maths, we have been learning about telling the time. We played What’s The Time Mr Wolf on the Smartboard to help us practise the o’clock times. We also made our own clocks to help us.

In Health and Wellbeing, we learned about ‘Stop, Drop and Roll’ to help us if our clothes go on fire. In writing, we made Bonfire Safety posters to display in the area. We used lots of sounds to write the words. We had lots of fun doing Halloween activities on Tuesday and we loved making paper ghost puppets. Mrs Carlyle made a special feely box and we thought she had put worms in it!

We have been learning about All Saints Day and All Soul’s Day in RE this week and on Wednesday some of our class went to St Peter’s Church for Mass. Everyone commented on how well behaved we were. In the afternoon we went into the hall to watch the Pantomime. It was the story of Aladdin and we all had great fun.

On Friday, we went to our House Groups and we completed some activities about our school values.


Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Joseph – I enjoyed playing with the little blocks.

Leah – I enjoyed playing outside.

Matteo – I enjoyed playing with the Lego.

Tyler T – I enjoyed playing with the marble run.

Peyton – I enjoyed playing with the marbles.

Miss Stebbing – I was very proud of the great illustrations everyone did on their Bonfire Safety Posters.

Well done to Daisy who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week.



November 3, 2023
by Miss Duddy

P4b learning highlights 3rd November

This week has been another fun and exciting one in Primary 4.

Our maths this week has been a series of activities to make sure we are confident in using our column method when adding. We consolidated all the new knowledge we learned last week.

In literacy this week, we have had a fun week learning dictionary skills, reading our class novel, learning about our new word boost words and consolidating the ‘ay’ spelling pattern we have been focussing on. We have been looking at poetry, we finished our performance poetry performance of ‘the fight of the year’ and also looked at the sound collector poem, where we identified sounds which we hear in our lives that we can collect.

We have been lucky enough to have 2 sessions of NYCOS this week and the children have loved it. This was our last week of NYCOS and the kids will definitely miss their weekly sessions with Mrs De Luen.

On Tuesday, we all had lots of fun dressed up for Halloween and enjoyed a well deserved break from hard work with some fun Halloween games and activities.

We have started looking at castles to begin our new topic the magic castle, the children discussed all of the parts of the outside of a castle and we labelled a diagram of a castle.

On Wednesday we attended mass for All Saints Day. We talked about what all saints day was and had a lovely session thinking of ways in which we could become saints.

Aayush’s highlight of the week this week was PE, he enjoyed when we played basketball.

Haadiya’s highlight of the week with week was our performance poetry. She enjoyed practising and performing it.

Well done to our hot choclate winner Nicolas!

Well done to our secret student winner Anthony!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday for another week of hard work and fun!

Miss Duddy

PS, here is the jigsaw for our termly overview. My apologies as this should have been posted last week.

November 3, 2023
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Learning Highlights 3rd November 2023

What another busy week in P2/1.

In Numeracy we were learning about addition within 10 and 20.  We also looked at numbers bonds to 10 and 20 and we are getting better at recalling these mentally.  We also played some addition games on the computer.

In Literacy we are continuing to work hard on our common words and sounds.  P1 are trying to put the sounds we have been taught together to make words and P2 are remembering to use capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and describing words.  P2 are currently learning about descriptive writing.

We celebrated Halloween with lots of literacy and numeracy Halloween activities.  We dooked for apples and had a disco as well as a scavenger hunt in our classroom.

In Religion we learned about All Saints Day and discussed some of the Saints we know.  Some of us went to Church.  We also celebrated the feast of All Souls when we remember in a special way all our loved ones who have died.  We are making a class November Garden in our classroom to remember them.

For Health and Well Being we discussed the importance of keeping safe when out trick or treating and how it is important to stay with an adult and to remember road safety when we are out and about, especially now it is dark at night.  We also discussed Bonfire Safety and if we are going to a Firework event how to keep safe and the proper way to hold a sparkle.

We were very lucky on Wednesday afternoon and got a lovely surprise when we got to watch the fantastic Aladdin pantomime.  It was lots of fun and it had lots of singing and dancing.

Today we took part in our House Groups the house captains and vice captains led us in our learning when we looked at our school Values and wrote about three things we looked.  It was lovely meeting up with our friends in other classes.


Learning Highlights from this week:

Mrs Russell ‘I loved working in our house groups today’.

Martyna ‘I liked making things in the craft area’.

Laaibah ‘I liked Spanish’.

Khaleesi ‘I liked the Panto, it was fun’


Congratulations to Laaibah our Hot Chocolate Winner this week.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and if you are out at a Firework event remember our firework safety rules.  See you all on Monday.

November 3, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5B Weekly Blog 3rd November 2023

This week we began creating our first Enterprise Products. With good planning last week we were ready to start cutting, sawing and sewing. We celebrated the Feast of All Saints at mass on Wednesday Morning. It was a lovely service which we all enjoyed. We made a very good start on Monday and continued working on our products on Wednesday after morning break.




This week we have continued our learning through rights with more research into Black History Month. We created information files about well known black women. These women are famous sports women, politicians, tv presenters, scientists. We found out that they overcame discrimination, language barriers  and learning difficulties to become succesful in the work they are doing now as adults.  We discussed our own identity – Who a person is or feels they are. Some felt Scot/Irish, some felt Scots/English some felt Scots/Cornish. We recognised that everyone has ancestors – A person who was in someone’s family in the past that has helped shape their identity and culture.

Article 2 -The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background. Article 30 – Every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family, whether or not these are shared by the majority of the people in the country where they live.

Tuesday was very exciting, not just because it was Halloween and most of us came to school dressed up, but Mrs Morrison brought our recorders and we had our first practise. We are really keen to learn a Christmas tune for our Christmas Enterprise Show on the 15th of December.


We created lovely Halloween spooky house art using pastels and black paper.



On Thursday and Friday we explored Solar Power through a range of experiments.

This morning Primary 7 House Captains and Vice House Captains led our House Groups to review our School Values. They wanted to know which values our pupils thought were the most important for our school community. We love the things we value and we value the things we love. All the results will be collated and we will all be informed as soon as possible.





Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

November 3, 2023
by Mrs Craig

Primary 2 Weekly Update – 3.11.23

It’s been a fun week in Primary 2!

On Tuesday, we had a whole class full of scary creatures but thankfully, they all returned to normal on Wednesday!

The children had a wonderful surprise on Wednesday afternoon, when we went to the hall to watch a fantastic Aladdin pantomime.

We did do some work too, we promise!  In Literacy, we have been learning about descriptive texts.  We looked at a piece of writing about ‘The New Girl’ and thought about what made it a good piece of writing.  We talked about the different parts of the text and learned about pronouns and adjectives.  On Thursday, the children wrote their own fictional piece of writing about a new child joining our class.  They did a brilliant job!

In Maths, we have been continuing to learn how to tell the time.  We looked at half past and discovered that when the big hand is at 6, that means it is half past.  The children also continued to learn and use their addition skills to answer questions.

Today we discussed firework safety and we hope the children now know how to keep themselves safe around fireworks, especially if they are holding sparklers.  Afterwards, the children made some beautiful pictures of what they think the fireworks will look like in the night sky.

Have a great weekend everyone!

November 3, 2023
by Mrs Roy

P7B weekly highlights 3.11.23

Dear parents,

This week we have been very busy learning and having fun in P7B.

Here are some highlights:

This week we started our auditions for our Christmas show. We have enjoyed getting into character and for some of us, pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones! We look forward to finding what roles we will get next week.

Literacy: We are working on our writing skills within poetry and this week we created Halloween poems. We have started our new class novel ‘Millions’ which we are really enjoying so far.

Numeracy: We have been revising fractions. This week we focused on how to add, subtract and make fractions equal.

R.E: We researched and learned more about different Saints. Some of us also got to visit the Church on Wednesday.

P.E: We have been learning the rules of Handball and have started our team games together.

Over and above: This week our over and above winner goes to Sophia, keep up the great work!

Have a great weekend from Mrs Roy and P7B

November 1, 2023
by Miss MacGregor

P6A – WB 30th Oct

Hello P6 families,

What a spooky week we’ve had!🎃 Even though we have had a lot of fun dressing up and doing Halloween themed activities (such as mystery maths challenges, Halloween acrostic poems and making decorations for the classroom) we have been working hard with our learning. A real highlight for myself was finally getting to check out our new school library. On Tuesday, we had a lovely ERIC session with our new books (we even put a ‘crackling fire’ on in the background to create a lovely, calm atmosphere!)

Some pupil highlights of the week included:

– sorting out the regular vs irregular shapes.

– starting to plan our new Halloween snack as part of our Food and Nutrition topic. We can’t wait to start making adverts for them!

– making the anti-littering posters for the school campaign and community that our linked to our rights.

– learning how to say different Halloween things in Spanish with Mrs Ross.

– understanding bus stop division!

Almost all of us mentioned dressing up on Tuesday! I have included a picture below of all the excellent costumes (whilst making funny faces!)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss MacGregor 🙂

October 29, 2023
by Mrs Brand

Week Beginning 23/10/23 – P2 Weekly Highlights

Hi Families of P2

We have had a super week, filled with lots of hard work and fun. On Tuesday we had West Lothian Football Academy working with the children. They all loved this and participated with great enthusiasm and excellent behaviour throughout the session.

In Literacy we have been leaning the suffixes ‘ed’, ‘er’ and ‘ing’. In writing, the children wrote super Haunted House stories. In Maths and Numeracy we started work on time, looking at o’clock times and we are working on addition within 20.

Weekly Highlights

Faye – I like adding.

Aaron – I loved when we had Steven in for Football.

Lillian – I liked looking at the primary 1’s drawings in the area because they’re really good. I also like playing with the babies.

Rose and Owen – We really liked block play.

Huge Congratulation to Harald, our Hot Chocolate winner!


October 29, 2023
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Learning Highlights 27th October 2023

This week Ogilvie Bear came back from travelling around the world we were very excited to have him back in our class.  We started our new topic Autumn.  We learned about the changing seasons and how and why the leaves fall off the trees.  We listened to the story   and we read ‘Leaf Man’ we saw lots of amazing illustrations using leaves.   We went outside and collected some leave of our own and made amazing.

In Numeracy we started looking at addition within 5 and 20.  We are getting faster at calling out our number bonds to 5, 10 and 20.

In Literacy we have been working hard on our talking and listening skills and sharing our opinions and ideas with others.  We are working hard on learning our new sounds t and n and  ai, ay and a_e and also learning our common words.

This week we made a poster against Racism and discussed how we are all equal and special.  We also discussed the importance of keeping our school tidy and rubbish free.  We designed posters and created our own slogans.


Highlights from this week:

Rhain ‘I enjoyed playing with the Dinosaurs’

Martyna ‘I loved making the leaf pictures’

Edward ‘I played with the craft material’

Bradley ‘I liked making things with the lego’

Mrs Russell ‘I loved your wonderful art work with leaves’


Well done to Leighton the winner of Hot Chocolate this week.

Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week for lots of fun and learning.

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