St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

January 12, 2024
by Miss MacGregor

P6A 12/01/24

Happy New Year everyone! We hope you all had a lovely break. P6A have had a busy first week back and I am so proud of them all for getting stuck right back into it.

Our highlights of the week included:

– identifying a ‘word of the year’ as a goal to work towards. Some examples included ‘leadership, bravery and optimistic’. We then linked this to our HWB focus ‘the power of yet’. This was about how adding ‘yet’ makes everything possible and how we should all adopt a growth mindset attitude!

– we started to explore our new story book for critical literacy – Into The Woods, by Anthony Brown. We looked at the front cover (without the title!) and took notes about what we noticed, any questions we had and created a prediction for the story. We also made guesses about what the title could be based on the information and pictures we had.

Pupil highlights:

– “Adding and subtracting decimals and using the new maths textbooks”

– “Making gymnastics routines and leading the warm up stretches in PE!”

– “Trialling out the microphone in music for our Burns’ songs”.

Well done to Emily who received the hot chocolate this week. Emily was super resilient in numeracy and had a “light bulb moment” within subtraction after trying super hard!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss MacGregor 🙂


January 12, 2024
by Mrs Meikle

This week in P2/1

It was lovely to have everyone back this week, they were all excited to see each other and to share their stories.

We started the week discussing New Year’s resolutions and we all came up with hopes of things we want to achieve this new year.

This week we started new learning on subtraction, thinking about different strategies we can use to answer a subtraction calculation.

In Literacy, P1 have been learning the sounds r and v, P2 have been learning the vowel digraphs oe (toe) and ow (blow). For writing P1 wrote about a toy, describing what the toy was like. P2 listened to the story ‘Couch Potato’ and focused on writing a good sentence recalling the activities the potato did instead of being a couch potato. P1 drew pictures to show these activities.

We have a big focus just now on high frequency words and we are all encouraged to practise these as much as we can at home. In class P2 played a snakes and ladders came with them and P1 did some dictation work, where we had to sound out words and use our knowledge of high frequency words to build a sentence.

We hope all our families have a rested weekend and we will look forward to lots of learning next week.

January 12, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 12/1/24

Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy New Year everyone! P4A  have had a super first first week back and here are some of our learning highlights:

John- ” I really enjoyed the creation story and making posters.”

Pola and Babafola – ” Gymnastics was really good fun and we worked in groups to learn how to do cartwheels!”

Rebekah – ” I enjoyed learning how to multiply using the written method and playing the table mountain game!”

Art – ” Making our 2024 signs using patterns was fun! ”

Ella and Kyle – ” We enjoyed trying to find the correct information in our reading comprehension task about the lion and the mouse.

Asim- ” I enjoyed making our target and personal strengths shields.”


P4A reading champion for the next two weeks is Ollie, who always participates well in our reading activities.

Congratulations to Rebekah on being our hot chocolate winner this week.

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Lea and P4A


January 12, 2024
by Mrs Craig

Primary 2 Weekly Update – 12.1.24

Good Afternoon,

We’ve had a super first week back at school and we are delighted to report that the children have all been working very hard!

Our first topic this term is Scotland and the children have been learning a Scottish poem for Burns Day.  We have uploaded the poems to SeeSaw and we have sent a paper copy home for the children to practise.  We are really looking forward to hearing the children recite them and some of them will be chosen to perform their poem at our Burns Supper on the 25th of January.  As part of our topic, we are also going to be learning about Scottish Food, Animals and Words.

Over the next few weeks, in Maths, we are going to be developing our subtraction skills.  Today we were working on solving problems involving subtraction and the children managed very well.

Our Hot Chocolate winner this week is Tiya!  We are extremely proud of Tiya, who is always, kind, helpful and friendly and is making excellent progress with her learning.

Well done to Rose, who is our new reading champion!

Highlights of the Week:

Cameron:  I liked doing subtraction problems in maths.

Summer:  I loved Free Writing Friday, I wrote about a puppy.

Lillian:  I liked doing RE with Mrs Callaghan

Filip: I enjoyed building with the K’Nex

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing the children next week!

January 12, 2024
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Here’s an update of what P7A have been learning this week:

On Monday in numeracy & maths we started work on Algebra. We found out how to calculate an unknown by solving equations. Most people found it tricky at first but by Wednesday, they had grown in confidence. On Thursday for maths, we went outside for a bit of measure. We used meter sticks to find the length and breadth of the MUGA. We then used this to calculate the perimeter and Area. On Friday, we were tested on our 7 times table using ‘Round the Clock’ – a game Mr McGurn’s P7 teacher made him play!

In PE on Monday and Wednesday, we started work on gymnastics. It was pretty basic this week with rolls and shapes but we worked well and will progress to more advanced things in the coming weeks.

Our topic for January is Scottish Literature so on Monday we read and discussed Tam o’ Shanter and on Wednesday picked a Burns poem/song which we have to learn for reciting on Burns Day in a couple of weeks. We also worked on materials for a Burns wall display.

In writing, we wrote poems using the Burns Stanza, based on To a Mouse but with our own choice of animal. We learned the Burns Stanza is 6 lines with rhyming scheme A-A-A-B-A-B and lengths of 8-8-8-4-8-4. It was pretty hard but we all tried our best and managed to produce at least one verse.

For RE we had our usual Prayer Service, this week on the Baptism of Jesus, we did some bible work and on Friday the Focus was on the PFFA, which we are nearly finished!

For technology (engineering) we found out about Da Vinci Bridges, and tried to make our own using lollipop sticks. It was confusing and tricky but we gave it a go!

P7As Reading Champion for the next fortnight is Adam, who participates actively in all reading activities.

The Over and Above hot chocolate at home winner was Nehaal, who always tries his best at everything.


Have a great weekend,

Myles (Lead Learner), Mr McGurn and Primary 7A.

January 12, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 12th January 2024

We have had a fantastic first week back at school!

In PE, we have started our gymnastics block and we have been learning about balancing. We practised doing different balances on the mats and we also had a turn at trying to hold the balance on the bench. We were all very confident and keen to share our learning with our friends.

In phonics, we have been learning the ‘v’ and ‘x’ sounds.  We set up a vet surgery in our classroom and we have had lots of fun helping the animals. We have been practising reading our CVC words and we are showing confidence with this. In writing, we wrote a sentence to describe a woolly hat and we tried to use the word ‘and’. Miss Stebbing was very impressed with our writing and that we can discuss our writing targets.

In maths, we have been learning subtraction strategies and we know that the answer is a smaller number. We have been using our finger patterns to help us complete the sums. We also discussed the months of the year and made a calendar.

We have started a new topic all about Scotland and we talked about what we would like to learn.


Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Matteo – I enjoyed seeing the buddies at lunch time.

Maksymilian – I enjoyed playing with the marble run.

Tyler T – I enjoyed playing in the vets.

Lewis – I enjoyed playing outside.

Maja – I enjoyed playing in the vets.

Danvith – I enjoyed drawing on the Smartboard.

Alfie – I enjoyed playing in the vets.

Leah – I enjoyed playing outside.


Congratulations to Posy who is our Hot Chocolate Winner and to Tyler T who is our Reading Champion.


December 22, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Last Week of Term

Here are some photos that captured some of the learning experiences P3A had this week.  I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and I will see you back next year! 😃❤️🎄There is a separate post about our party.

Congratulations to Tadiwa, our hot chocolate award winner this week!

IMG_2657 (click on this link to view)


December 22, 2023
by Mrs Miller

Primary 5B Weekly Blog 22nd December 2023

Last week in Primary 5 for 2023. We have had a fun week. Completing our Science by monitoring the daily rainfall and then we created our own water filtration experiments.  On Tuesday we had a great time at our Christmas Party, dancing and playing party games. We had a week long Christmas/end of year Quiz.

Thank you for all the lovely, thoughtful Christmas Gifts. I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas Break and we will see everyone back at school happy and healthy on the 8th of January 2024.

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