St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

December 1, 2023
by Mr Pentland

1.12.23 P3B Learning Update

Another Great week P3!


We have had a busy week this week. St. Andrew’s Day and The first day of December, discussing advent.


Lilly, “I liked designing the Christmas door”

Sofia, “I like improving in my numeracy”

Evana, “I liked doing reading and showing my pupil powers”

Safaa, “I liked art this week and technology”

Theo, “I liked using sumdog”

Amariah-Grace, “I liked St. Andrew’s day and learning about Scotland”

Lewis, “I liked learning our party dances in the hall”

Ishaan, “I liked describing my Pixton character”

We met with our house groups this week! We discussed our rights and created great postcards of our rights at SJO.


Well done P3!


Huge well done to Evana for getting hot chocolate! You have really been ready, respectful and safe all week.


Have a lovely weekend!


December 1, 2023
by Mr Pentland

24.11.23 P3B Learning Update

Fantastic week of learning.


Lilly, ” I liked making my avatar”

Ishaan, “I liked creating my superhero and talking about my pupil-powers”

Evana, “I liked talking about my rights and telling Mrs McKissack that one of my pupil powers is using rights to help my learning”

Reesa, “I liked doing a description”

Musa, “I liked working in a group and putting transport on a timeline”


Great week P3 well done! 😀

December 1, 2023
by Miss MacGregor

P6A – 01.12.23

Dear P6A families,

Our learning highlights from this week:

– creating illuminated letters for RE art. We have been exploring the life and work of St. Columba and after investigating his work and designs from the Bible, we gave these designs a go ourselves! Beautiful detail and patterns (some pictures attached below).

– We recapped our understanding about the parts of a circle and how to calculate the diameter and radius. After, we used compasses to create different circular patterns (some designs below).

– We have been exploring and discussing our pupil powers – what makes a good, successful learner – and designed some avatars, displaying our own powers.

– We wrote a response review about our dynamic earth trip for writing, following the structure and targets.

Well done to Jacob to for winning the hot chocolate this week. Jacob showed great resilience during maths – he kept on trying to work out how to use the compass and didn’t give up, resulting in him creating a great picture.


December 1, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary One Learning Highlights 1st December 2023

This week we have been learning the sounds ‘g’ and ‘d’. We have been using the magnetic letters to make lots of words and we even read a whole sentence. In writing, we wrote the sentence The socks are on the mat. We used our writing targets to make sure our sentences were correct. We put a pink tick if we had completed the target and a green tick if we need to try to remember it next time.

In maths, we have been practising our adding sums. We know different strategies to use when we are adding. We can use a number line, we can use finger patterns and we can put the number in our head and count on. We also practised telling the time using digital clocks.

In RE, we learned about St Andrew. He was one of Jesus’ friends and he was a fisherman. We celebrated St Andrew’s Day by making flags and having shortbread and Irn Bru. It was delicious! We also learned about Advent and we made an Advent Wreath for our classroom.

This week we practised on the stage for our Nativity. We were singing beautifully and we remembered when to move around the stage.

On Friday, there was a special visitor in our classroom. It was an elf! He even had a St John Ogilvie school tie on.

We went up to St Peter’s Church to go to Mass on Friday morning. Fr Clement said we were very good and Mrs McKissack gave us special stickers as were so respectful.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Sophia – I loved making my flag for St Andrew’s Day.

Peyton – I liked playing with the marble run.

Leah – I liked going to the Church.

Joseph – I liked playing with the blocks.

Tyler T – I liked playing with the marble run.

Alfie – I liked the shortbread.

Ollie – I liked playing with the blocks.

Miss Stebbing – I was very proud of everyone when we went to Mass. Everyone was very respectful and listened very well.

Well done to Sophia who is our Reading Champion and to Ollie who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week.


December 1, 2023
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 1/12/23

Dear Parents and Carers,

As it is December 1st today, Primary 4 opened the first door on their advent calendar and were very excited!

We have also been learning about St Andrew and the meaning behind the celebrations that take place on 30th November. Our class designed beautiful stain glass windows. We were also  lucky enough to have a small drink of Iron Bru and a finger of shortbread!

In PE we  joined up with  Primary 4B class to learn some Ceilidh dancing in preparation for our Christmas party. It was great fun!

Our class have been working hard making decorations for our classroom door competition. We think the end results look amazing!

In Literacy, we worked with a partner to create rhyming spells as part of our Magic Castle topic.

Here are some of our learning highlights:

Zosia” I enjoyed our reading comprehension activities.”

Julia- “Decorating the door was good fun!”

Kyle and John- ” We enjoyed creating the rhyming spells.”

Ruari and Suhanth- ” Making photo frames for our Magic Castle display was good fun!”

Kayla- ” I enjoyed using active strategies to learn spelling words this week.”

David S – ” Learning about St Andrew was interesting.”

Congratulations to Zosia who was our hot chocolate winner this week.


Have a super weekend

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A


December 1, 2023
by Mrs Roy

P7B weekly highlights 1.12.23

Dear parents,

A very busy but fun week in P7,

Here are some highlights:

This week our first group visited St Margaret’s High to begin our transition process. We had a fantastic time in Science and also making truffles. Here are some pictures.

The group that stayed enjoyed taking part in a STEM challenge together working as part of a team using science, technology, engineering and maths skills. We are very proud of our finished results.

We had successful show rehearsals this week and are looking forward to performing to our families very soon.

St Andrew’s celebrations on Thursday: We learned about our Patron Saint and enjoyed some Irn-Bru and shortbread.

To begin advent we had took part in a transition morning with a St Margaret’s R.E teacher on Teams and also enjoyed a prayer service in the upper area.

Next week we are looking forward to our trip to Hopetoun house!

Our hot chocolate winner this week was Amelia, well done!

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Roy and P7B

December 1, 2023
by Mrs Miller

Primary 5 B Weekly Blog 1st December 2023

A very fast week with lots of things to learn and take part in for Primary 5B.

On Monday we practised our Christmas party dances (after completing our Spelling and Literacy Tasks)

Monday afternoon we continued to learn about money in our math lesson. We then became Santa’s Helpers by creating lovely Christmas gifts to sell at our Enterprise Show on Friday the 15th of December. On Tuesday we joined with Primary 5A to rehearse for our Show. On Wednesday we had our Recorder practise with Mrs Morrison.

In RE this week we have continued our Novena to St. Margaret. We also learned about the life of St. Andrew, in preparation for his feast day on Thursday. Both of these saints are patron saints of Scotland and set us an example of how to live by caring for others. We also led the first Advent service for Primary 5 and Primary 4 classes. It was a lovely service with great singing.




On Thursday we had our Scottish Country Dancing with Primary 5A . Lots of fun with Mrs Callaghan and Mrs Miller joining in. On Thursday afternoon we had our Flu immunisations and then went off to the library. This time we were able to settle down and spend time reading in the lovely space. Mrs Miller has library registration forms for anyone who is not already a member. The best part was that it was snowing a little bit as we were walking to the library.




We continued learning about Hydro Power in Science and began a challenge which we hope to complete next week.




We also made a fantastic christmas display on our classroom doors. Amazing surprises hidden in some of these presents.

As part of our Journey towards Rights Respecting School Gold Award we focussed on Article 12 (respect for the views of the child): Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously. This right applies at all times. As part of our house groups on Friday pupils from all classes came together to create postcards about how their rights are respected,  protected and supported in Our School community. We hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. God bless.

December 1, 2023
by Mrs Ross

P5a 1.12.23

This week we have been learning about money. We were using subtraction to work out change. (SoF) We have been working with money. (EM)

In music, we were learning about A,B,C AND G notes on the recorder. We also practised for the surprise. (SaF)

We have been learning some Ceilidh dancing in PE to practise for our Christmas Party. (JR)

In preparation for the Christmas door competition, we have been drawing and creating the picture. (LW)

On Thursday it was St Andrew’s day. We learnt about who he was and some interesting facts. (AOD) I enjoyed finding out about St Andrew. (MM)

We have prayed a Novena for a very special intention. (BS)

Today we had an advent service to mark the start of advent. The first candle was purple and is a symbol of Hope. (DM)

The class has been working hard on our Enterprise project.

The Hot Choc at Home winner is undecided because everyone is amazing.

November 25, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 20th November

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue table:

Caleb said the best part of his week was playing the maths warm up game, ‘Counting Cowboys’ were the children had to shoot the answer to the other cowboy.  The focus was subtraction.  The cowboy who did that first (correct and fastest) got to have another turn.  Caleb won!  We have water pistols for our cowboy guns and hope that Santa will bring the class 2 cowboy hats for Christmas!

Alicaj liked music with Mrs Morrison where the children were singing a Viking saga song.

Ollie has enjoyed our second PM description story called ‘My Grandma’.  The class discovered that this piece of writing, compared to our last piece, ‘Honey Bees’ had a lot more characteristics!  Next week we will compose a whole class piece of writing about a different grandma and then go on to write a descriptive piece called, ‘My Teacher’.  This can be about their current teacher, a previous teacher or they can make up a story about a teacher.

Rory loved making nature perfume and collecting sounds in the woodlands.  He collected 3 sounds.  The children also had the opportunity to take a shoe off and like Rory from ‘The Worry Tiger’, feel the wet leaves under their feet.  There were some brave girls but no boys who wanted to take part.  The perfumes smelled beautiful!  ‘Eau to Woodland’.

Ethan said his highlight was making cards for our parents as part of our lessons on forgiveness.  We will bring these home on Monday.  The children have written a lovely message inside.

Chahiti  has really enjoyed our learning about the history of aviation as part of their topic, ‘Inventions’.  The children were fascinated to watch clips on early flying machines and gave their opinions about what they liked about the designs and why they thought some may have failed.  We look forward to measuring 36.5 meters in the playground next week which was the distance the first successful flight took place by the Wright Brothers!  The managed to keep their flying machine in the air for 12 seconds the first time!

My highlight had to be our lesson in the woodlands where the children made the perfume.  They were so enthusiastic about it and kept wanting me to smell their creation.  We had leaves, berries, sticks, petals, nuts and mud.  Emmmmmm!  Nice!

Congratulations to Diana, our hot chocolate award winner this week!



Mrs Brown

November 25, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5B Weekly Blog 24th November 2023

This week we have been learning about the ABCDE of our rights, learning about the key words which explain how important Children’s Rights are :A =  Universal for ALL children, B = Inherent – There from BIRTH, C= Inalienable CANNOT be taken away, D = Unconditional DO Not have to be earned (enjoy them) and E = Indivisible EQUALLY important.

We have been taking part in a novena to St. Margaret of Scotland. She was a devout Christian, and dedicated much of her time and energy to charitable works. We trust in God’s help in the dark moments of our lives, and we pray for our families, peace in the world and the strength to repair Climate Change.

This week we started learning some Scottish Country Dances. We have also been rehearsing Christmas Songs and Recorder music as we prepare for the P5 Christmas Enterprise.

We are continuing to carry out Science Challenges investigating Wind and Hydropower. One of the challenges was creating a floating wind turbine.







We are also developing our literacy by creating persuasive writing and product posters. In math skills we are practising using money so that we can give the correct change. We are also working on measuring angles as this is important for where we put our solar panels and the rotors for our wind turbines.

A few very busy weeks to come as we prepare for Christmas. Have a great weekend everyone.

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