St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

February 23, 2024
by Mrs Brand

Weekly Highlights – WB 19/2/24

Hi families of P2

The children have all had a fabulous first week back. We have had lots of super learning experiences and lots of fun!

It literacy we wrote information reports and developed our comprehension skills, by showing our understanding of a poem. The poem is called ‘The Shore’. We created our very own beach within the classroom, making a beach and an ocean. We had lots of fun exploring a huge collection of shells.

In Maths we continued working on inverse operations and learned about tally marks in data handling .

We started our new topic this week, ‘under the sea’. The children learned all about the five oceans of the world.

We got some very good news today and an exciting reward! P2 were picked as the best class in the school for following all of the rules in the lunch hall! As a reward we got to have a disco in the MUGA at break time and chose all of our own music! The children absolutely loved this!

Weekly Highlights

Rose – I liked writing Information Reports

Aarav and Summer – I liked learning about sea horses.

Cameron – I liked learning about the Oceans of  the World.

Lillian, Rose, Vasilisa and Olga – We loved dancing in the MUGA.

Huge Congratulations to Samuel, our hot chocolate winner and Tiya our reading champion!

Have a lovely weekend!





February 23, 2024
by Mr McGurn

P7a Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Here’s an update from our Lead Learner, Myles, on this week in Primary 7a’s learning journey…


On Tuesday we had to highlight the important information in an information report on Venomous Snakes. After that we wrote a plan on our information report on Evacuation. After snack we all did work on Speed, Distance and Time for maths. After Lunch we did some light reading then music. Then we did some work on rationing for IDL.

On Wednesday we went to Church in the morning. After snack we did money work on RLPS for maths, making a profit for a school fundraiser. After lunch we all made some delicious eggless chocolate cake and one group almost got salt poisoning (it’s a joke) by putting 3 tablespoons of salt instead of half a teaspoon (oops). Then we finished the day with basketball for PE.

On Thursday we did our reading group comprehension on our WWII books. Then we did HWB with Mrs Morrison. After snack we did some probability for Maths. After lunch we did work on the seasons in Spanish. To finish off Grant very kindly brought in some WWII artefacts from his family bloodline and told us all about them.

On Friday P6 and P7 did the Stations of the Cross in the area. Then we did our St. Maragret’s online transition which today was about Modern Studies. After snack we created Spaghetti Bridges. Then to reward us, Mr. McGurn our teacher gave us Fun Friday.

P7A had an amazing week and we hope you did as well.

Signing off,



P.S. This week’s over and above winner was Daisy, who gets to take the hot chocolate home to enjoy.

Have a great weekend,

Mr Mcgurn and Primary 7A

February 23, 2024
by Mrs Meikle

P2/1 Highlights

We have worked very hard this week in P2/1.

We started our new topic ‘Under the Sea’ and spoke about things we already know and questions we would like to find out. We investigated the oceans of the world and started learning some interesting facts.

We started to learn about coins and notes. We are working on being able to recognise coins, sort coins by value and put them into order by value.

P1 learned the digraph ‘ai’ and worked so hard on word building and decoding word activities.

P2 have recalled their previous learning on nouns and adjectives to look at the structure of an information report. We are excited to try and write our own ones next week.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.


February 23, 2024
by Mrs Roy

P7B weekly highlights

Dear parents,

We took part in the stations of the cross with the P6’s and P7’s and then made crosses to show what we had learned about the Easter story.

In P.E we have been learning the rules and skills of basketball. We have been learning to dribble the ball close to us and change direction as others try to intercept it.

After researching and planning we have written our information reports and have enjoyed teaching each other lots of interesting facts. We were able to give each other feedback to help build confidence and also help each other to improve.

We have started learning about World War two, we researched key facts and events that happened during the war and created a timeline. We have been researching rationing and look forward to making cakes using rationed ingredients next week.

On Friday we took part in our online transition visit with St Margaret’s and enjoyed learning about social subjects.

Our hot chocolate winner this week is Marcus, well done!

Our reading champion this week is Rabail, keep up the good work!

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mrs Roy and P7B

February 23, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 23rd February 2024

This week we have started learning about throwing and catching in PE. We practised rolling the ball to each other and we had to make sure that our partner was ready to catch the ball. Ask us how we know they are ready.

In Literacy, we have been learning about the ‘wh’ sound. We have been reading words with this sound and trying to spell the words too. In writing, we wrote a group information report all about flowers. All of the staff were very impressed with how confident we were in saying a sentence.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been learning all about money. We have been identifying different coins and learned about how to put the coins in order from the lowest to the highest amount. We have had lots of fun playing in our class shop and using the coins to pay for items. We also learned about using a card to pay for things and we know that we need money in the bank for this.

In RE, we read the book Creation and talked about how God made the world. We also talked about how we need to look after the world.

Our new topic is all about Under the Sea. We found out about the different oceans of the world and then sorted animals into the correct habitat of land or ocean. We are going to make a big display in our classroom and we loved pretending to swim in the sea beside the blue board.

For Outdoor Learning, we went outside to look for signs of Spring. We were looking at the buds on the trees in the playground but unfortunately the rain started to get very heavy and we had to come in. We are going to go back out next week and see if we can see anything else growing in the playground and the woodland.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Dawid – I enjoyed playing outside.

Zuraib – I enjoyed reading the common words.

Daisy – I enjoyed writing the information reports.

Sophia – I enjoyed playing in the area.

Tyler T – I enjoyed playing with the shop.

Eliza – I enjoyed colouring.

Miss Stebbing – I was very impressed with everyone using the money to pay for items in the shop. I even got a chance to scan the items!

Congratulations to Zuraib who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week and to Peyton who is our Reading Champion.




February 13, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 5th February 2024

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue Table:

Caleb enjoyed our learning about the history of West Lothian.  We recapped some of the learning from P2 about James Young and his role in mining and the shale mountains we see throughout West Lothian.

Chahiti liked making Valentines Day cards.

Alicaj and Rory loved benchball.  The hall was free for 2 slots this week so the children had some extra PE time to play their favourite game.  As always,  I am impressed with the teamwork that takes place in this game and the strategies the children use to score.

Ethan liked eating ‘soft c’ foods and evaluating them.  The children tasted cereal (Ethan’s favourite), rice and celery and like last week, recorded how they felt about the foods.  The evaluation this week however, had an extra section about why they liked or did not like the food.

My highlight was our lesson, ‘Jesus was a Jew’.  We watched a short clip of a Jewish girl who showed us around her house.  The children were amazed to hear that Jewish people do not mix meat and milk and have 2 separate sinks, 2 sets of separate cutlery drawers and 2 sets of dishes so as to keep these foods separate!  We know that Jewish people pray in a synagogue.  We realised that we as Christians, have many similarities with the Jewish faith.  Some of those are special prayer books, a place of worship and we have holy water fonts whereas they have mezuzahs at their front door.  Mrs Brown shared with the children that when she was growing up, she had a holy water font next to her front door and each time she went in and out of the door, she blessed herself.  The children are excited to have a font in their classroom too in case they wish to do the same.

Congratulations to Rory, our hot chocolate award winner this week and Caiden, our Reading Champion!

Lead Learners were Twida and Tvisha.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Twida – “I liked music with Mrs Morrison.”

Tvisha – “I liked playing in the ‘Soft c’ café.”

I hope you all have a good February break and I will see you on Tuesday 20th.



Mrs Brown

February 9, 2024
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Weekly Learning Highlights 9th February 2024

This week we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We read a story about the Chinese Zodiac and we loved hearing about the animals that were the year we were born.  We made our own dragons and wrote about how people celebrate.

In literacy, we have been learning the sounds ‘ch’ and ‘sh’ and revision of wh, th, sh and ch.  We are confidently able to read, write and find words with these sounds.

In maths, we continued our learning on subtraction and learned about ordinal numbers and we looked at the order the animals won the race in the Chinese Zodiac story.

In PE, we have finished our block of gymnastics by using all our different skills on the equipment. We were very good at remembering how to land safely when we jump.

We were so excited on Wednesday, when Mrs McKissack held surprise assembly, to tell us that we are now a GOLD Rights Respecting School!  We are all so proud of everyone and all our hard work.

This week we have been learning about Pancake Tuesday, we listened to the story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes and The Runaway Pancake then we got our own pancake to eat.

We learned that Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent and we know that people go to Church to receive ashes and it reminds them of Jesus.

As part of our Scotland topic we looked at the Scottish artist Steven Brown and we drew our own McCoos.  Mrs Russell was very impressed with how well they turned out and they take pride of place outside our classroom for all to see.

Today we celebrated our Rights Gold Award and Valentine’s Day by wearing gold, red and pink colours.

Congratulations to Oscar our Hot Chocolate winner.  Well done to Connor our Reading Champion and well done to the joint winners this week of the Table Points the Red and Orange Tables.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday and well deserved rest and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday 20th February.

February 9, 2024
by Mrs Craig

P2 Learning Update – 9.2.24

Good Afternoon,

What a fabulous week we have had in Primary 2!

There has been lots of learning and lots of fun.

We had some visitors in our classroom on Tuesday and Wednesday and they were absolutely blown away by the behaviour and attitude of the children.

In literacy, we learned the sound oi/oy. The children were fantastic at knowing where in the word you find the different spellings of the sound.  We even learned a rap to help us to remember:

In Maths, we started working on giving change from 10p/20p.  The children practised paying for different items with a 20p and then working out how much change they should get.  They also investigated the link between addition and subtraction.

After the February break we will be starting our new topic, Under the Sea.  We have discussed with the children what they already know and started to think about what they would like to learn.

We were delighted on Wednesday, when Mrs McKissack called us to the hall for a surprise assembly, to tell us that we are now a GOLD Rights Respecting School!  We are all so proud!

It was wonderful to see the children all dressed in red, pink or gold today.  They all looked fabulous and it was a lovely way to celebrate our Gold award and St Valentine’s Day.

Since we won’t be in school for the start of lent, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday with pancakes and discussed what the children might choose to give up for lent.

Highlights of the Week:

Cameron:  I liked learning about Shrove Tuesday and eating a pancake!

Faye:  I enjoyed learning how much change to give in Maths.

Harald:  I liked learning about Lent.  I am going to give up electronics.

Samuel:  I like building with the K’Nex and finding out how they work.

Lillian:  I liked doing free writing Friday.  I wrote about St. Valentine’s Day.

Huge congratulation to our hot chocolate Friday winner this week, Faye!  Faye is always extremely hard working and is a great friend to others.  We are very proud of you Faye!

Our Reading Champion is Vasilisa.  Vasilisa is doing very well with her reading and is a great reading role model to others.

We hope the children enjoy their break and we can’t wait to see them back in the classroom.

Mrs Craig and Mrs Brand

February 9, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 9th February 2024


This week we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We read a story about the Chinese Zodiac and we loved hearing about the animals that were the year we were born.  For our Wordboost work we learned words from the book Dragons in the City. We made our own red envelopes and completed different tasks during Choosing Our Own Learning.

In literacy, we have been learning the sounds ‘ch’ and ‘sh’. We have been very confident at reading words with these sounds and spelling words. On Friday, we had different pictures on pancakes and we had to write the word on our whiteboards. Then we flipped the pancakes to check we had written the word correctly.  In our writing area, lots of people have been writing about the story of the Chinese Zodiac.

In maths, we learned about ordinal numbers and we looked at the order the animals won the race in the Chinese Zodiac story.  We have also been learning about half and how the two pieces are equal. On Friday, we got to cut a pancake in half and then we got to eat it!

In PE, we have finished our block of gymnastics by using all our different skills on the equipment. We were very good at remembering how to land safely when we jump.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Tyler T – I enjoyed doing things for Chinese New Year.

Sophia – I enjoyed playing on the smartboard.

Daisy – I enjoyed writing in the writing area.

Vikashini – I enjoyed doing Spanish.

Zuraib – I enjoyed playing outside.

Congratulations to Daisy who is our Reading Champion this week and to Tyler T who is our Hot Chocolate Winner.




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