St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

March 22, 2024
by Mrs Brand

Weekly Highlights – Week Beginning 18.3.24

Hello families of P2

The Children have all worked super hard this week, learning lots of exciting things! We continued our work on plastic pollution in our Oceans. The children used their knowledge about this to create information leaflets, encouraging others to look after our Oceans.

We learner about the lifecycle of frogs, as some of the children spotted frogs in our playground. The children completed a reading comprehension activity all about frogs, producing excellent work.

In Literacy we learned three new sounds, ‘ir’, ‘er’ and ‘ur’.

In numeracy this week we did more work on missing numbers, in subtraction within 20 problems. We also used our knowledge of addition and subtraction to complete a code cracker challenge. The children loved this!

In art, we created beautiful clownfish and coral reefs. These are displayed in our classroom and area, making a lovely under the sea scene.

On Tuesday, Mrs Lafferty brought her beautiful baby in to visit us. We learned all about the needs of a baby and how to care for them.

Weekly Highlights

Olga – I liked making the clownfish and octopus.

Cameron and Aarav – We liked learning about plastic pollution in our Oceans.

Summer – I liked doing all of the Easter activities in the hall. It was so much fun!

Lillian – I liked me and Dineli working together on our plastic pollution leaflets. We took turns each. I did some writing then Dineli did some writing. I did some drawing then Dineli did some. We worked as a good team.

Aaron – I liked the addition and subtraction code breaker.

Filip – I liked learning about Octopus.

Rose – I liked showing my work to my parents.

Huge Congratulations to our hot chocolate winner, Layla and our reading champion, Olga. Awesome job girls!

Have a lovely weekend



March 22, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 22nd March 2024

In RE, we have been learning about Holy Week. We listened to the story of Palm Sunday and made our own palm leaves to wave. We also learned about the Last Supper and talked about how special Jesus was. We made some beautiful artwork of a cross to display in the area.

In Maths, we have been learning all about tally marks. We are very good at remembering what we need to do when we get to 5. We also practised our addition skills by playing a game on the Smartboard.

In Literacy, we learned about the sound ‘oo’. We are very confident at reading words and spelling words with this sound. We have also started to play a game where we have to read a caption and match it to a picture.

On Tuesday, we had two special visitors who came into our classroom to talk to us. Mrs Lafferty brought here baby in to talk about how to look after a baby. We loved seeing the baby and it was funny when she was making faces at us. We are very grateful to Mrs Lafferty for coming in and helping us with our learning.

For Topic, we learned about the lifecycle of a sea turtle and we had to cut and stick the pictures in the correct order.

During Outdoor Learning, we found an empty egg which we think has fallen from one of the trees. We even saw a squirrel running around when we were practising sitting at the fire pit.

On Friday, we set up a new activity in the tuff tray. We have to open plastic eggs and see which picture is inside and then we have to spell the word. We are very confident with this.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Sophia – I enjoyed doing the painting for the sunset.

Tyler F – I enjoyed choosing my own learning.

Lily – I enjoyed playing with the cups.

Posy – I enjoyed outdoor learning.

Maksymilian – I enjoyed playing with the marbles.

Congratulations to Tyler F who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week and to Maja who is our Reading Champion.



March 16, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 11th March

Hi Parents/Families,

Due to all the excitement of our St Patrick’s Day party on Friday, we did not get a chance to complete our blog post of recording our week’s learning highlights.  Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the photos below that have managed to capture some of those experiences.

Congratulations to our hot chocolate award winner, Angel.


Mrs Brown

March 16, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 11.03.24

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well.

We are going to start by thanking all the parents and carers for coming once again to our school and for joining us for our Outdoor Assembly! It was lovely having you all here working collaboratively with your children, and being taught what to do by them!😂We have great pictures of absolutely amazing birds’ nests which made us all very proud. Having our own Woodlands is paramount for us to experience Outdoor learning and we are very grateful for that. It was really amazing sharing our experiences in the Woodlands with our families and carers!

Some of this week’s highlights were also linked to the preparation of the Assembly and to our Science Climate Smarter Project:

  • Learning to identify different trees by the characteristics of their wood and shapes of their leaves. We have also been learning about the different types of wood and their uses: for building houses/other buildings, for flooring, for furniture, for pallets, for decking and fencing, etc. This will be very important when we start choosing the materials for our Climate Smarter Eco School Model, of course, so the children made lots of notes about this to use very soon.
  • Working hard on reading aloud in order to audition for our roles in the Assembly, always focusing on being clear, loud and using expression. It’s important to say that around 90% of the pupils from our class have worked super hard learning how to read fluently the parts in order to audition for them. This was amazing for their learning and make us all proud of our friends’ effort!
  • In Numeracy and Maths, we have started by revising the 2,3 and 4 times tables and their close relation to division and have then moved on to using them in our multiplication sums of one by up to five digits. It was very good and the children kept on asking for more. We will continue next week with the 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables.
  • As usual, we have had our weekly spelling assessment with the words learned this week and practised daily in class. Let’s see how good our scores are this week…😀
  • In RE we have finished our learning on the Seven Sacraments and I hope your children can tell you all about them.😊

After having had new places to sit in class, we congratulate the Order of the Phoenix table for having won our weekly trophy! Well done, Order!👏👏👏🏆

We did not have time to award the Hot Chocolate of the week but will hopefully do it on Monday and will let you know about it next week.

Once again thank you very much for your participation on Friday and we wish all a great weekend and week ahead!

P5A and Mrs Valente 😘😘

March 15, 2024
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Weekly Learning Highlights 15th March 2024

Another busy week in P2/1.

In Literacy this week we linked our writing to our Under the Sea topic.  P1 wrote an information report on an Octopus and P2 wrote about sharks. Everyone worked extremely hard and produced great pieces of writing.

In Maths and Numeracy we continued looking at money and also looked at data handling and measure.

We were very excited to have a taster Judo lesson this week from Destination Judo and we got to wear the Judo jackets and learn some moves.

This week in topic we learned about jelly fish and octopus.  We produced some amazing art work to add to our display and we completed a step by step of how to draw a jelly fish.  We learned some amazing facts.  We have also started looking at pollution and how it can effect the sea and the creatures that live in it.

Today we celebrated St Patrick’s Day.  We read the story ‘How to Catch a Leprechaun’ and we made traps to try and catch one.  We were so excited when lots of gold chocolate coins appeared outside our classroom and we all got one to take home.  We made leprechaun masks and shamrock wands and we learned about who St. Patrick is and why St Patrick’s Day is celebrated.  Mrs Carlyle taught us some Irish dancing moves and we played put the hat on the leprechaun.

Some of our personal learning highlights:

Mrs Russell ‘I loved reading your Information Report writing this week they were all amazing’.

Katie ‘I liked Irish dancing’

Daniel ‘I liked making the traps for the leprechaun’

Leighton ‘I liked drawing the jelly fish’

Khaleesi ‘I loved making things at the craft table’

Congratulations to our Hot Chocolate winner this week Ellie and well done to the Green Table this our winners this week.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

March 15, 2024
by Miss Duddy

P4b Learning highlights 15th March

This week Primary 4s literacy focus has been reading comprehension based on animals, one on sharks and dolphins and the other focussing on pandas. For writing, we have done some work identifying mistakes in written sentences and have been revising spelling patterns we already learned this year.

Our numeracy work this week for the rulers and calculators has been based on short division and learning how to do the written method. The children have excelled in this and are loving it. The protractors group have been using concrete materials to split up and show division, as well as dividing by 2. The children got to take charge of their own learning on Thursday and had an array of activities to complete, they decided in which order they would be completing them. Most of the class did excellent at this and got all 3 tasks completed.

On Wednesday we were lucky enough to have an input from Destination Judo experts who were very impressed by primary 4s skills. The children loved it! We managed to play  a game of handball this week which was a great success and the children are starting to understand the rules and how to play more clearly.

Well done to our secret student winner Vinayakarthik!

Well done to our hot chocolate winner Anthony!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Duddy

March 15, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 15/3/24

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 4 have had another busy week!

In numeracy, we have continued to develop our understanding of division  strategies we can use to solve calculations.  We have also practised using our skills to solve word problems.

In literacy, we have been looking at non- fiction passages for reading comprehension. We have discussed layout, questions and headings etc.

Primary 4 have continued to research Scottish landmarks and have enjoyed reporting interesting facts back to our classmates.

Here are some of our highlights:

Ruari and Aiden,- ” We really enjoyed the judo session on Thursday with the coach!”

Julia- ” Researching information about Scottish Landmarks was good fun! ”

Pola- ” I liked developing my understanding of division.”

Rebekah and Babafola- ” Designing our own bridges was interesting.”

Nathan and Kyle-” Finding information and answering questions on the  passage about pandas was interesting !

Congratulations to Ruari on being our hot chocolate winner this week!

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A

March 15, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 15th March 2023

This week we have been learning about jellyfish as part of our Under the Sea topic.  We made paper plate jellyfish and they are a very colourful addition to our display. In writing, we wrote an information report about jellyfish and we did very well.

In RE, we talked about prayer and how God always listens to us when we pray.

On Wednesday, we had a Judo session with a coach from Destination Judo. We got to wear Judo jackets and practise some judo moves.

In maths, we have been looking at graphs and answering questions about them. We were very confident in answering the questions given to us. We also looked at teen numbers and made these correctly with Numicon.

On Friday, we completed different activities for St Patrick’s Day. We learned some Irish Dancing with Mrs Carlyle and made leprechaun masks. We read the story How to Catch a Leprechaun and made traps in the classroom. When we got back from the hall, the leprechaun had left us gold coins but it was too quick for our traps!

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Joseph _ i enjoyed making the jellyfish.

Eliza – I liked making gold coins.

Matteo – I liked making the traps.

Bella – I liked trying to catch the Leprechaun.

Alfie – I liked playing with the sea animal toys.

Vihaan – I liked playing with the marbles.

Congratulations to Sophia who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week.

March 15, 2024
by Mrs Craig

Primary 2 Weekly Update – 15.3.24

Good Afternoon,

What a fabulous week we have had in Primary 2!

There has been lots of learning and lots of fun.

We continued with our topic, ‘Under the Sea’.  The children researched and wrote about Octopus this week.  We could not believe the standard of the writing they produced, it was amazing!  Today, we started to learn about pollution in our oceans and thought about what we can do to help reduce plastic pollution.  The children were very passionate about this and we will continue to learn about it next week.

On Thursday, Destination Judo came into to school to give the children a taster session.  All of the children took part with enthusiasm and their behaviour and attitude was excellent.

In Maths, we learned about ordinal numbers at the beginning of the week and measure at the end of the week.  We used a metre stick to decide if things were longer or shorter than a metre and recorded it on our worksheet.

Highlights of the Week:

Aarav – I liked learning about and making an Octopus.

Alexander – I enjoyed learning about plastic pollution in our oceans.  I am going to try to help make the ocean clean.

Summer Rose – I loved watching Mrs Carlisle doing Irish dancing and teaching us to do it too.

Lillian – I liked learning about Octopus, especially that they have 3 hearts and 9 brains.

Cameron – I liked measuring in Maths.  We had to see if things were longer or shorter than 1 metre.

Huge congratulation to our hot chocolate Friday winner this week, Enso!  Enso is always has been working very hard in school and produced an amazing piece of writing about Octopus.  We are very proud of you Enso!

Our Reading Champion is Aaron.  Aaron has been working very hard with his reading and has been reading lots for enjoyment!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Craig and Mrs Brand

March 9, 2024
by Mrs Meikle

P2/1 highlights

We have had a fab time this week for book week.

We focused on the story ‘Horton Hears a Who’, reading it together in class, discussing friendships and what makes a good friend and thinking about the little ones, looking at size in math. We enjoyed watching the movie on Friday with the P7s in the hall.

We had the opportunity to visit the school library and pick ourselves a book to take home to read. We also enjoyed live author events where we listened to a story and then had a draw along to learn how to draw the books characters.

This week P1 learned the sound wh and P2 the ar sound. We also wrote beautiful sentences about why we love our mums.

P1 visited St Peter’s church on Wednesday, attending Mass. We were given loads of praise for how beautifully we all sat during Mass. we all attended Mass on Friday for Feast Day and enjoyed a piece of cake to celebrate St John Ogilvie.

We wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day for Sunday and we hope you all enjoy your little envelope of love.


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