St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A – WB 20.11.23


Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well.

The highlights this week were the following:

  • Our Science lessons, during which we have been learning about the off-shore floating wind turbines as some of the best sources of renewable energy. They are becoming more and more common, particularly in Scotland, and continue being improved everyday to become even more efficient. While learning about them we have also tried to make our own wind turbines and make them float, which was quite a challenge! After many different tries, and having discussed all about the balance between the top of the wind turbine (in our case a plastic propeller), and the bottom of the wind turbine, (in our case a bit of blue-tak with some metal washers attached) we have managed to succeed!  Our conclusion was that weight is of the utmost importance when balancing the blades with the structure in order for it to float so it must definitely be very hard for engineers to calculate it, but also very interesting, of course!
  • The learning with money continues and we are now adding different amounts of money to prepare ourselves for the Enterprise, when we will be needing to sell our products and calculate how much we have to be paid.
  • The writing this week was a report of the wind turbine experiment and we found it a bit hard to describe all the failed attempts so Mrs Valente has allowed us not to have to write about all the failed attempts but only about some!😄
  • We have started practising our Scottish dances with our friends from P5B and have had a great time! It was amazing to see how well we did with just one session!
  • Our RRS learning was related to the ABCDE of the Rights: All – Universal; BIRTH – inherent, CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY – inalienable; DON’T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING TO HAVE THEM – unconditional and EQUALLY IMPORTANT – indivisible.
  • We have also learned about St. Margaret of Scotland, her life as the queen of this country and why she has became a saint and one of the patron saints of Scotland. We all thought she must have been a lovely person and have very generously and kindly prayed a Novena asking her to intercede to God and cure Mrs Valente’s Mummy. 😃
  • We would like to congratulate Baibua for being our Rights Respecting School Poster Challenge winner with her beautiful poster against littering! Well done, Baibua!👏👏👏👏👏🏆 Baibua was also chosen as the Middle Area winner so we should congratulate her twice! Well done again!🥇
  • That’s all for now, we say goodbye wishing all a good weekend! Mrs Valente and P5A😘   

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