St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2/1 Weekly Highlights 17th May 2024


This week

In maths, P2 have been learning about quarters, they have been able to identify quarters and not quarters. P1 have been working on addition and subtraction.  We have been skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

In RE, we learned about Pentecost and how the disciples received the gift of the Holy Spirit.  We celebrate Pentecost this Sunday.

In PE, we practised throwing a javelin. We have been working really hard and can throw it quite far now.

We have continued to work on our sounds and Fry’s Common Words.  In writing P1 recounted how to plant a seed.  Our seeds are starting to grow now and we are very excited watching them.

In Health we have been learning about the importance of sleep to keep us healthy.

We made 3D lunch boxes as part of our topic and we drew a step by step drawing of a wolf.

The children enjoyed completing an activity would you rather and they had to justify their answers.

Congratulations to Laaibah our Hot Chocolate winner, well done to the Red Table our wining table and also congratulations to Victoria our Reading Champion.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone and enjoy the sun.

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