St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 22nd March 2024


In RE, we have been learning about Holy Week. We listened to the story of Palm Sunday and made our own palm leaves to wave. We also learned about the Last Supper and talked about how special Jesus was. We made some beautiful artwork of a cross to display in the area.

In Maths, we have been learning all about tally marks. We are very good at remembering what we need to do when we get to 5. We also practised our addition skills by playing a game on the Smartboard.

In Literacy, we learned about the sound ‘oo’. We are very confident at reading words and spelling words with this sound. We have also started to play a game where we have to read a caption and match it to a picture.

On Tuesday, we had two special visitors who came into our classroom to talk to us. Mrs Lafferty brought here baby in to talk about how to look after a baby. We loved seeing the baby and it was funny when she was making faces at us. We are very grateful to Mrs Lafferty for coming in and helping us with our learning.

For Topic, we learned about the lifecycle of a sea turtle and we had to cut and stick the pictures in the correct order.

During Outdoor Learning, we found an empty egg which we think has fallen from one of the trees. We even saw a squirrel running around when we were practising sitting at the fire pit.

On Friday, we set up a new activity in the tuff tray. We have to open plastic eggs and see which picture is inside and then we have to spell the word. We are very confident with this.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Sophia – I enjoyed doing the painting for the sunset.

Tyler F – I enjoyed choosing my own learning.

Lily – I enjoyed playing with the cups.

Posy – I enjoyed outdoor learning.

Maksymilian – I enjoyed playing with the marbles.

Congratulations to Tyler F who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week and to Maja who is our Reading Champion.



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