St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A – WB 22.01.24


Dear Readers,

Once again, welcome to P5A’s blog.😃

This week, we will start by congratulating our Hot Chocolate of the Week for her amazing behaviour, readiness, kindness and for always going beyond what would be expected to set the best possible example for all her friends – Well done, Miss Ailsa!👏👏👏🏆🥇✨

We would also like to congratulate our sweet Sophia for becoming the Reading Champion of the Fortnight! Super! Always taking her extra bits of time to catch up on her reading instead of chatting away! Well done!🥇🏆✨👏

Now, here are the highlights of the week:

  • Continuing learning about decimals, in more and more interesting ways!
  • Starting our learning about the incredible and adventurous John Muir, who is also the object of our new Topic.
  • Drawing our beautiful portraits of John Muir by following an art tutorial which taught us how to mix wax crayons and colouring pencils in different layers to give more complexity to our colouring. They look absolutely amazing!🖼
  • Reading comprehension about John Muir and a brief biography of his life.🏔🗻
  • Learning everything about the importance of the Water cycle, the quantity of water available in our planet and also the fact that the water we currently have is the same one our ancestors did, since there are no sources of water out with the Earth. We have also learned about the importance of water filtration, especially in poorer countries where the lack of it represents a big danger to public health. We were amazed by a Ted Talk that we watched about the Life Saver Bottle, designed to instantly filter the water inside it! It was just unbelievable!🌅
  • Thinking about the talents God created us with and what we can do with them to make a better world.🌎
  • Finally, our weekly spelling assessment was a success, with everyone getting very high scores! We were all very proud!👏👏👏✨✨✨🏆🏆🏆

That’s all for this week! We say goodbye wishing everyone a great weekend and week ahead.

P5A and Mrs Valente😘😘

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