Dear Parents,
Here’s an update of what P7A have been learning this week:
On Monday in numeracy & maths we started work on Algebra. We found out how to calculate an unknown by solving equations. Most people found it tricky at first but by Wednesday, they had grown in confidence. On Thursday for maths, we went outside for a bit of measure. We used meter sticks to find the length and breadth of the MUGA. We then used this to calculate the perimeter and Area. On Friday, we were tested on our 7 times table using ‘Round the Clock’ – a game Mr McGurn’s P7 teacher made him play!
In PE on Monday and Wednesday, we started work on gymnastics. It was pretty basic this week with rolls and shapes but we worked well and will progress to more advanced things in the coming weeks.
Our topic for January is Scottish Literature so on Monday we read and discussed Tam o’ Shanter and on Wednesday picked a Burns poem/song which we have to learn for reciting on Burns Day in a couple of weeks. We also worked on materials for a Burns wall display.
In writing, we wrote poems using the Burns Stanza, based on To a Mouse but with our own choice of animal. We learned the Burns Stanza is 6 lines with rhyming scheme A-A-A-B-A-B and lengths of 8-8-8-4-8-4. It was pretty hard but we all tried our best and managed to produce at least one verse.
For RE we had our usual Prayer Service, this week on the Baptism of Jesus, we did some bible work and on Friday the Focus was on the PFFA, which we are nearly finished!
For technology (engineering) we found out about Da Vinci Bridges, and tried to make our own using lollipop sticks. It was confusing and tricky but we gave it a go!
P7As Reading Champion for the next fortnight is Adam, who participates actively in all reading activities.
The Over and Above hot chocolate at home winner was Nehaal, who always tries his best at everything.
Have a great weekend,
Myles (Lead Learner), Mr McGurn and Primary 7A.