St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 2 Update – 20.10.23


It’s been a short but busy week in Primary 2!

Ogilvie Bear travelled all the way to Australia and we have been learning some facts about life ‘down under’.  The children particularly enjoyed learning about Australian animals and made excellent factfiles about Koala’s.

In literacy, we were learning that if something is happening now, the action often ends with ‘ing’.  We then practised spelling words ending with ‘ing’.

In Maths we were rounding to the nearest 10.  We learned that numbers that end 1,2,3 0r 4, round down to the previous ten and that numbers that end in 5,,6,7,8 or 9, round up to the next ten.

We have moved onto a new block of ball skills in PE and this week we focused on throwing and catching.  The children worked with a partner to see how well they could pass the ball to each other.  They all did very well!

Here are a few learning hightlights from the children:

Enso – I loved throwing and catching in PE.

Lillian – I enjoyed drawing Koala’s in Art.

Luca – It was fun learning to count in 2’s.

Aarav – I enjoyed playing the rounding to the nearest ten game on the ipads.

Summer – I liked learning about Australia. 

Vasilisa –I loved everything!

Huge congratulations to our Hot Chocolate winner Summer! Summer is always a super star but this week she has been working extra hard and being extra kind.  Well done Summer, we are very proud of you!

Please find below our learning overview for the term:

Forward Plan overview – Term 2

We hope you all have a lovely weekend!



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