St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6B – Friday 9th June


Dear P6B families,

It’s Miss MacGregor again for this weeks blog!

What an exciting week we have had with meeting our new teacher for P7 and presenting our house captain speeches. I am incredibly proud of everyone – they did a fantastic job after weeks and weeks of hard work and preparation.

Along side of all the exciting activities, we have been busy recapping some key skills from across the year. We have looked at symmetry and the Fibonacci Sequence in nature (I have included some pictures below of our findings!) Keep an eye out for what else you can see when you are out and about.

We also brushed up on our understanding of regular and irregular polygons and looked at applying our reading strategies for a visual text. For R.E, we explored ‘The Story of the Naming of the Animals’ in Genesis and then reflected upon the benefits of and our dependence on animals.

The new school captains for next year (Urwa and Patrick from 6A) got a taste of their new roles when they took over for P7 in the lunch hall and helped out Mrs Timmins. This was a lovely opportunity for them.

Well done to Siddharth for being the hot chocolate winner this week – Siddharth was very resilient when it came to presenting the house captain speeches.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Miss MacGregor

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