St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A weekly update 9th June 2023


Hi everyone,

Callie and Max here!

This week in P5A we have been learning more about algebra. We have developed lots more skills and we have found that algebra has been really fun!

Here are P5A’s favourite parts of the week:

Vijval: I liked doing maths outside on Monday. We were using our knowledge of seconds and minutes to help us.

Bentley: I liked doing the house groups on Thursday because we decorated masks for a competition.

Ayden: I liked P.E. on Friday because we played the weakest gazelle!

Emili: I also liked P.E. on Friday because I got 2 flags over the line and my team won 5 out of 6 rounds!

Jacob: I liked R.E. this week. We were learning about prophets and the characteristics and qualities of a prophet.

Emily and Callie: I liked meeting my new teacher this week! We were so excited to see Miss MacGregor and we can’t wait to have her next year!  Some of us even had a sneaky visit to our new classroom and we are just so excited to be in P6!

Eilidh: I liked doing science outside on Wednesday! We were learning all about the nervous system and created our own life-size human body, with a brain, spinal chord and nerves (these all make up the nervous system).

Miss Ventisei: I loved planting during outdoor learning this week! We are *very nearly* finished planting all of the plants we received. We have all worked so, so hard to keep the plants alive and well!

This week our Hot Chocolate winner was Carina. She was spotted helping around the classroom lots and was very kind and caring towards younger pupils during our House Group time.

Thank you for another great week P5A! Enjoy the sunshine this weekend, but stay safe!



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