Dear Readers,
We hope you have enjoyed your week and have been enjoying this sunny day as well.
It was a pleasure having had the opportunity to catch up with so many Parents and Carers during the week.
In P3A our highlights of the week were:
- Our new spelling words of the week, their practice and our weekly spelling assessment.
- The fabulous class recount about the P3 Assembly, where you can read about all the things that happened.
Here is a copy for you to take a look at, since we are very proud of it!
- The Maths work on greater than, less than, equal to that we are going to make even more challenging next week by comparing fractions.
- The outstanding work that is being developed about the Rights of the Child to be displayed in our school’s Rights Respecting Wall in a couple of weeks and that is already looking super!
- In order to have things ready for Parents and Carers to see, we had to have many things handed out by our amazing class helpers and we also had to tidy up and organise our trays which is always very good!
- The Music story Midsummer Night’s Dream was the chosen one and we absolutely loved it!
Because we were too busy at the end of the day we didn’t have enough time to find the Winning House of the Week or the Hot Chocolate but will let you know about this next week, don’t worry!
Wishing you a lovely Sunday, we say goodbye for now.
Mrs Valente and P3A