St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 8th May 2023


Hello P2B families!

Here are our highlights from the Yellow Table:

Lewis loved bridge building this week!  We looked at images of bridges from around the world.  We discovered that they were all different shapes, sizes and made from a range of materials.  In groups, we designed and then made our own bridge that had to cross the space between 2 tables and then withstand a 50g weight.  Super teamwork P2!

Musa said he liked music with Mrs Morrison, where they have continued their session on nursery rhymes.

Amariah-Grace has been enjoying the 5 Times Tables.  The children were amazed to hear that even though we focus on the 2, 5 and 10 Times Tables in P2, they are actually learning many other Times Tables as the answers are the same if the digits are reversed i.e. 5×7 is the same answer as 7×5!  I heard some brains explode!

Ollie enjoyed our new ice cream role-play.  The children suggested this idea for a new role-play area and also wish to set up a police station.  Watch this space!

Tharun said the best part of his week was when he played the role of the Baby Billy Goat in drama this week.  We took this learning up to the woods where there was much more space and found that some logs had already been led out in the shape of a bridge!  That was handy for us!

Isabella has loved saying the Rosary each day with our rosary beads as part of our learning about Mary during the month of May.

Mrs Devlin’s favourite part of the week has to have been the bridge building.  Some teams forgot to consult their design and made it up as they went along.  However, I did see fantastic teamwork, creativity and despite some collapsing again and again during construction, the teams never gave up!  In the end, all teams’ bridges met the success criteria which was, could it withstand a 50g weight.  Well done P2!  I think we have some future engineers in our midst!

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