St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

p7B Learning Highlights Week Beginning 24.4.23


Four Capacities this week in Primary 7b:

Confident Individuals

Rebecca: ‘ I have noticed that Lucia has been more confident in class.’

Hanna: ‘ Tanya really showed us what a confident individual sounds like by singing beautifully in our show rehearsal.’

Anthony:  ‘I am being confident because I am engaging so well in the drama.’

Successful Learners

Connor: ‘ Tim has been answering a lot more in Numeracy.’

Debbie: ‘ I have been more on top of my HW this week and asking Miss Smith for advice about my discussion.’

Responsible Citizens

The  class have been more responsible in terms of asking for hard copies of their HW, and, there has been a consented effort to keep the classroom tidier.

Effective Contributors 

Zak: ‘ Rupert has been contributed so much when note taking for our WW2 Topic.’

Miss Smith: ‘ Julek has been absolutely smashing it by contributing his prior knowledge of WW2 causes.’

Congratulations to Julia last week for being awarded Hot Chocolate. Julia is kind and respectful to everyone and she has been trying particularly hard to contribute more in class discussions. Your class and your teacher are so proud of you.

This Week’s Hot Chocolate Winner: Congratulations to Debbie for being an excellent researcher for any encountered vocabulary we meet, and, being able to show such a strong understanding in how evidence can strengthen your point of view in a discussion piece of writing.

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