St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4b weekly blog post 28/04/23


This week in numeracy, we started our unit on measurement.  We’ve been measuring items around the classroom/area in mm, cm and m’s.  We have also been using our knowledge of the 10 times table to convert between cm and mm.

In writing, we have been learning about adventure narratives.  We watched a short film about a lighthouse keeper where something goes wrong.  We used our comprehension skills to predict what might have gone wrong before we watched it, and to predict how the problem might be solved once we’d learnt what the problem was.  We have been planning our own class narrative based on this, adapting the story line to show our own ideas, and have begun writing a shared narrative together.

We created some optical illusion art work with Mrs Lea this week too, and we tapped in rhythms using drumsticks with Mrs Morrison.  We have also learnt days and months in Spanish.  In PE, we played different tig games, including the linking arms game we played last week, and we started our athletics unit, beginning with javelin.

Our highlights:

Jude: I loved doing javelin because I do athletics (including javelin) on Tuesdays.

Matteo: I enjoyed tapping the rhythms with Mrs Morrison because we had to look on the smartboard and it had red squares and yellow circles, which told us what to tap. Red squares represented one syllable and yellow circles represented two syllables.

Ishani M: I enjoyed doing the optical illusion art with Mrs Lea because it was fun and it was really hard to do but I really enjoyed it.

Layla: I liked maths because it was really fun and it was challenging.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Brown

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