St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 17th April 2023


Hello P2B families!

Here are our highlights from the Red Table:

Aaron said that he loved drama this week!  We explored the moral of the story, ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ and the children then acted out the story.  Aaron played the role of one of the Angry Villagers.  We made links with the ‘Zones of Regulation’.  He was in the Red Zone.

Ciara really enjoyed making vegetable soup this week.  She enjoyed it so much that she had 2 servings!  What a healthy girl! I hope you enjoy the photos below that show the chopping, peeling and cooking!

Amy said that her learning highlight was our religion lesson where Jesus appeared to some of the disciples after his death when they were fishing.  Jesus told them to cast their nets over the other side of the boat as they could not catch any fish.  Their nets became close to breaking when they did this!  They then cooked and shared the fish together.  The disciples remembered the Last Supper as Jesus took the bread and gave it to them and then did the same with the fish.

Reesa loved a story we were studying this week called, ‘Who is our New Teacher?’ We looked at a different element of it each day and it linked with our comprehension and writing lessons.  Reesa loved it when Mrs Devlin pretended to be the Green Dragon and answered the childrens’ questions during a Hot Seat activity.

Georgia- Rose liked playing ‘Monkey Tig’ during PE.

Emily-Ann said she enjoyed learning how to use the dictionary.  The children were first introduced to the dictionary before the Easter holidays.  They know that the dictionary is organised into alphabetical order, that it can help with the spelling of words and that it also gives the meaning of words.  They played ‘Who can find it first?’ where they had to work with their partner to open the dictionary at a specific section and then they practised copying out meanings.

Mrs Devlin’s favourite part of the week was when we went to the woodlands to make arrays for the 2 Times Tables, using natural materials (photos below).  This term we will be focusing on the 2, 5 and 10 Times Tables and links with division.  You will see this reflected in the homework also.

Congratulations to Evana, our Hot Chocolate award winner for this week!

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