St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 27th March 2023


Hello P2B families!

Here are our highlights from the Yellow Table:

Musa has enjoyed our lessons on finding change from 20p.  We have been learning about using a take away strategy and a counting on strategy.

Isabella loved our role-play of Palm Sunday.  The children have been learning about the important events that made up Holy Week, the last week of Jesus’ life.  Each day they listened to the stories from the Bible and then recreated these events through role-play.  For Palm Sunday, they made large palm leaves and waved them up and down shouting, “Hosanna!  Jesus is the King!” while “Jesus” rode on his donkey.

Ishaan said the best part of his week was the role-play of ‘The Last Supper’.  The children enjoyed eating the bread and “drinking” the wine.  They know that Jesus calls us to remember him in this way at Mass.

Ollie liked rolling his hard-boiled egg down the hill in the playground with his mum.  It cracked at the bottom.  He decorated it beautifully first in class.  Well done Ollie and to all the children for your creative efforts!

Tharun said his favourite part of the week was pretending to be a disciple and having his feet washed.  The children know that through this act of service, Jesus was teaching us to love one another, serve one another and that we are all of the same importance.

Lewis loved performing at the Spring assembly for all the parents.  All of the children did amazingly well and I was so proud of them!  We had some children miss some rehearsals due to the sickness bug and even with being off, they worked hard to remember their lines and stage directions.  Thank you to all of the families who were able to join us.

Mrs Devlin’s favourite part of the week was the role-play of Holy Week.  The children engaged in this with such reverence and I hope they remember these important events in Jesus’ life for their whole lives.  See images below of some of the moments captured.

Congratulations to Lily, our Hot Chocolate award winner for this week!

I hope you all have a happy and holy Easter and I will see you all upon our return.

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