St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 1A Learning Highlights 27th January 2022


This week in Literacy, we learned about ‘qu’ and ‘ng’. We used the Alphablocks to build the words with ‘ng’. We also had to write the letters correctly, we are trying hard to make sure the letters start in the right place.  In writing, we wrote our very own narrative stories. We had to remember to use finger spaces, a capital letter and a full stop that was on the line.

In maths, we have been learning about doubles. We had to make spots on the ladybirds to show the double. We are getting more confident in remembering the doubles and saying them quickly.

In topic work, we talked about different types of transport.  We talked about cars, bikes, helicopters, aeroplanes, walking and buses that we have seen in our local area. We also talked about how some transport can cause pollution and how we are trying to help the environment.

In RE, we spoke about Mary the mother of Jesus. We also drew pictures of our own mums.

We have a shop in our classroom and we have been buying different items with the money. Some people have been scanning the items and making announcements about the shop.

On Wednesday, we celebrated Burns’ Night by eating shortbread and drinking some Irn Bru. We have been learning scots words and we listened to the story of the Gruffalo in Scots. We learned about a Scottish Artist called Charles Rennie McIntosh and we drew a Glasgow Rose for our display.


Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Joshua – I enjoyed playing with the cars.

Harald – I enjoyed learning to make words with the Alphablocks.

Summer Rose – I enjoyed learning about counting down numbers.

Lillian – I enjoyed learning about different kinds of money.

Vasilisa – I enjoyed learning about making a show.

Mohitha – I enjoyed learning about working together.

Miss Stebbing – I am very proud of how well everyone has done with their reading books in our groups this week.


Well done to Lillian who is our Reading Champion.

Congratulations to Eve who is our hot chocolate winner this week.

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