St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A Weekly Update 27th January 2023


Dear families of P5A!

We hope you are all doing well. Yet again we have had another busy and wonderful week!

Numeracy: This week we have been working really hard on multiplying and dividing decimals by 10! We started our week by creating our own place-value visual learning aids to help us when we are stuck and also had great fun playing a game of decimal multiplication catch! Miss Ventisei challenged us to complete a whole table of post-it note calculations in under 10 minutes and of course, we smashed it! Congrats P5!

Literacy: We have been working really hard on our reciprocal reading recently and we continue to demonstrate a fantastic level of ownership, responsibility and team-work when doing this. We will continue to uplevel our responses over the next term as we enjoy reading our next set of books! We have also continued with our writing genre of narrative and enjoyed writing an interesting story about a detective who finds a magical coin in an abandoned factory…

IDL: The weather this week was finally nice enough for us to venture outside for IDL! We had great fun completing lots of John Muir challenges outside in the woodland and of course, updating our John Muir Journals! It was wonderful to see lots of happy children exploring the outdoors again. We have also been learning about what a famous quote is and looked at some examples from John Muir himself. Our class favourite is:

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. John Muir.

We are continuing our science topic of biodiversity throughout IDL and this week we looked at the anatomy and structure of a flower. We loved using scissors, tweezers and magnifying glasses to dissect and identify the internal parts of various flowers and then using technology to research each part’s unique job. Farrah said she could not believe what was underneath all of those petals!

R.E: Over the past week we have been reflecting upon our God-given gifts and how using these as Jesus demonstrates can develop our relationship with God. We have loved creating some thought-provoking mindmaps to display our ideas around this.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely weekend!

Miss Ventisei & P5A!







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